An Endless Dream (Death of the Endless)

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"It is nice to see you again, Bruce Wayne'' The man in question glared right at the teen-looking girl in front of him. She didn't deserve the glare, but he was so accustomed to glaring that it has become almost instinctual. The pale skinned girl had a smile on her face, but he didn't care enough to actually respond to her actions. "Or should I call you Batman?"

"What do you want?" Bruce Wayne knew for a fact that he was not dead. The white area and the seemingly deteriorated castle in the far distance, let him know that he was in Dream's realm. It made sense, the girl in front of him and Morpheus were related.

"Is that how you greet me, the personification of death?" Batman kept glaring at Death of the Endless, the petite woman that just kept smiling at him even when he just kept his glare going. Death must have had something planned, Bruce couldn't see just why he would get called by her in his sleep. "I just want to know why..."

"I don't know what you are talking about" Batman's glare could make even gods shake in fear, but the teen woman just looked at him, her smile still in place. He stood still, unmoving, even as the petite woman walked all around him. He even felt just how she passed her hand over his abdominals, to which he responded by removing her hand off his body.

"Of course... How silly of me" He could feel the slight sarcastic tone of the woman, her eyes still showing a hint of familiarity to him. He had come and gone from the grasps of death, that it was not even funny any more. He would consider it a miracle at first? But more times than not, he had returned back to the living. "Let me ask you again..." He could notice just how the petite woman stood in front of him, her eyes staring directly at his own. He felt as if he was staring into the abyss. But he didn't even flinch, as he had already stared right at the shadows of his own heart too many times to count. "Why do you keep escaping my grasp? I just want you to finally rest. To have the peace that you deserve..."

He raised a single brow at the woman, staring once more at her eyes. Even if it was a very morbid way of looking at it, her words made sense. He had been given the chance to just stay and leave everything up to the family he had created with the help of many heroes that have worked alongside him.

"Is my duty" The simple yet complex sentence made every sense in his mind. Even if his adventure as the Dark Knight started as a journey of anger and vengeance, he had become a better man through understanding what really needed to be done. "To protect. To defend" Every word, it had a deeper meaning to Bruce Wayne. He may not rest, even when he is almost at death's doors. But he was satisfied with knowing that his actions had made civilians feel safe. "To stop the darkness from spreading even further"

"But what have they done to deserve it? Don't you deserve to be at peace?" She kept asking and it was making him slightly more angry. The constant questions were nice until the questions started to contradict her earlier one. But he would play her game, he couldn't do anything else at the moment anyways. "Don't you deserve to be happy?"

"Nothing..." Batman closed his eyes for a second. Though when he opened his eyes once more, the first thing he saw was the face of the petite woman. Death has not diminished the smile she had given him from the start of their conversation. "But knowing that they are safe, knowing that they are happy" He didn't move. He remained unmoving, even when the petite woman approached him yet again. He had stopped caring for what Death of the Endless kept doing. "I am content"

"I see..."The short response from the petite woman didn't make him react. What did though, and it was just an eyebrow rising slowly in confusion, was her actions. The short arms of the petite woman snaked around his neck, with her face closing in at his own. He even noticed the smile changing slowly. The smile on her face shifted into a smirk, though he could perceived that it held no malicious intent.

The man didn't even flinch when the black haired woman gave him a peck on the lips. It was short and if he had to say anything about it, it barely counted as a kiss. Her black lips were surprisingly soft, one of the feelings he perceived even when the kiss ended as fast as it started. Though what surprised him the most was just how peaceful it felt, as if entering a neverending rest. Recalling moments in his life where he felt such feeling.

But suddenly, his body began to feel light. His eyes barely registered the words of the entity that represents death. He could see her lips moving, his ears barely able to register the words she was saying. But he understood them, training to read the lips of people from afar to gather more intel for his investigations. He barely noticed it thanks to his blurry sight. Though thankfully, he managed to read the words out of the mouth that had just kissed him.

"Don't keep me waiting, Bruce Wayne. I will be waiting for you to fall in my arms and rest in them for eternity" Bruce kept thinking over the words that he had interpreted from the movements of her lips. He even saw just how her cheeks gained even the tiniest of color. But in a matter of moments, he knew nothing but the soft and warm feeling that his bed provided him with.

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