Need for Closure

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Hi I'm here with a new Chapter.

Pete was sitting on the bed and reading books but in reality, he was lost in his deep thought. Vegas came out of the bathroom after taking shower, he was going to the office for some early meeting. And he didn’t like meetings as he can’t cuddle with his beloved.
Vegas was having this feeling that something was wrong with Pete. But he ignored hoping Pete will handle it by himself.
Vegas went and sat beside Pete while Pete didn’t even notice his presence. Vegas poked his side and Pete flinched to that action. “what’s wrong Pete?” Vegas asked with furrowed eyebrows.
“I don’t know actually” Pete replied with a low voice. Vegas took his phone from the nightstand before walking towards his office, and called Nop “cancel today’s meetings…and tell them I’ll get back to them after some time”. “But it’s urgent, Khun, the Japanese wanted to finalize the deal by this week and it’s the weekend tomorrow”. “Tell Mr. Sato, that I have some real emergency at home. And my sincere apology. I will talk to him tonight but I need some privacy now”. “Is everything okay? Khun”. Vegas gave out a deep sigh “I think something is wrong with Pete and I need to take care of it because he needs me now”. “I get it, Khun. Do you want me to call the family Doctor?”. “No let me talk to him at first. I’ll inform you if anything is needed. Btw did you notice something weird or suspicious stuff happened with Pete?”. “Not really, Khun. But I don’t know whether it’s the reason or not…”. He was cut off by Vegas’s angry voice “why didn’t you bother to tell me every detail about him. Huh?”. “Khun I am extremely sorry, I just thought it was not that important because I didn’t notice any difference”. “Cut that shit off and tell me every minute thing about him".
“It was three days back; he called his grandmother and was having lovely chat with her. But after some time, somebody else took the phone. Pete was a bit surprised by that voice. But he was happy…”. Vegas cut him off again “Who the fuck was that? Did you hear the name?”. there was arrogance, impatience, and jealousy in Vegas’s voice. “Yes, Khun. Her name was…yeah, Kaew. Pete addressed her as Nong’ Kaew…and P-e-t-e was- ugh-hh…”. “Stop stuttering N.O.P” Vegas sounded so impatient and angry. “Sorry Khun. Actually, they were happily talking, and then Pete suddenly started addressing her ‘waan-jai(sweetheart). And started laughing over it.” Stop making up stuff, why would Pete call her that?”. Vegas was having self-doubt and thought to himself, ‘was it his first love? Is Pete thinking of settling with her? Oh, Hell no!!!’. “No Khun, I am not making up stuff, it’s just all I heard while having my lunch”. “Okay. Now go to the office and get everything done as I said.” “Sure. Have a great day ahead. Khun”.
After ending the call Vegas came back to their bedroom, with a lot of thoughts. There were many questions in his mind, but the one that made him feel dizzy and scared at the same time was, ‘Is Pete leaving me and our little family?’.
He entered the room and cleared his throat to make the other human feel his presence. Pete looked up with a soft smile ‘How can he smile at me like that, while he is planning to leave? Is it going to kill me with his love and kindness?’
“Let’s have a talk. I think you’ve something to share”. In the back of his mind, Vegas thought ‘he better ask me for my organs, instead of giving me back my organ(heart) he owns. Shit, Pete please don’t make me murder some stupid woman’.
Pete’s voice brought Vegas out of his thoughts, “Can I visit Chumpon? I have some incomplete job there”.
‘Shit. Noooo Pete is really leaving me. And what is that ‘incomplete businesses’ supposed to mean? Is he going to marry her, like he probably promised her? Oh, Hell No! Over my corpse! Pete will be marrying someone else’.
Again, Pete interrupted his thoughts, “where’s your mind? You said you want to talk and now you’re not even concentrating on me!”
“Sorry! I was thinking…why do you need to suddenly go there? Is someone…you know like ‘someone’ waiting for you?”. Vegas air quoted ‘someone’, to put more emphasis on it.
“Actually, grandma misses me and…umm…I have something else to do too”. Pete stuttered and that added fuel to Vegas’s doubtful mind.
“What are you hiding Pete?”. And the next thing he did was say out his thoughts aloud.
“What? I am not hiding. It’s just that I never talked about it because after everything here I almost forgot about it”. Pete replied with an innocent voice.
“And what actually is that?”. Vegas was getting impatient.
“It’s a long story. And you need to go to the office, so…”
“I canceled the meeting, now tell me everything. Like ‘EVERYTHING’”.
“Okay. So, it’s about something related to my past. My mother died when I was almost ten, and I lived with my grandparents. And one day my abusive father came back to take me along with him. My grandparents didn’t allow it and he made chaos for that. To keep me safe my grandparents asked one of my mom’s friends to take care of me until they fix the damage my father made back at our home. She used to live in our village until she moved to a different place a few kilometers away, because of her husband’s job. Anyway, I stayed with her family for more than 2 years because I entered a new school along with her daughter; Kaew…”. Vegas hissed after hearing the name. Pete gave a confused look, but Vegas gave him a look to continue.
“So, I left after I joined the main family as a bodyguard. I had been in contact with them but I didn’t hear from her for more than a year. I knew that she is in Thailand but never met her. So, a few days back when I called grandma, she happened to be there too. And after ending the call grandma called me again. And she told me something that I didn’t know. It’s that…umm…my mother wanted me to get married to Kaew…”.
“NO…I mean NNNOOOO…never in a million years will I let you marry someone else and especially that stupid bit-…” Vegas shouted. Pete smacked his head “Don’t you dare say something bad about my Kaew”. “EXCUSE ME!!!! ‘MY KAEW!!!’. HUH. LET’S GO AND KILL HER.” 
Pete slightly punched him in his abdomen. “She is my only sister and my first childhood friend. We are too comfortable with each other, so we call each other as if we belong to each other and we sometimes we call each other by nicknames, especially after knowing about this marriage. So, don’t say something stupid to her”.
“So, you’re going to marry her?” Vegas asked as if his whole life depended on that question. (of course, it did!).
Pete thought of pulling a prank on Vegas. With an innocent voice, he said “Actually YES. Like what else am I supposed to do? She is chosen by my mother and our family also wants us to get married, so, why not?”
Vegas just laid down on the bed while putting an arm on his forehead and with a shaky voice he asked; “So you’re leaving me?”
Pete laughed and felt sorry too. “Yeah, because you know I can’t be a bachelor forever”.
Vegas took a deep breath and said “until you think of other options…”
“Dumbass” Pete laughed at Vegas’s condition; he was sobbing while covering his face. “Are you done? I’ve something important to tell you. The thing that’s actually bothering me”.
Vegas gave him a questioning look, like is there something more serious and important than you going to marry someone else? But he still gets up and sits beside Pete.
“The problem is not that stupid childhood marriage” Pete started, and Vegas let out a sigh of relief. “My father is back and living somewhere near the village. Though grandma said that he has changed, I can’t forget the traumas, Vegas. I am scared”. Pete’s eyes got foggy and he was facing trouble breathing. Vegas got on his knees and kneeled in front of Pete. He cupped his knees and gave Pete some time to control his breathing.

Vegas was sure that there is something more serious and a rottener story related to Pete’s father, but he wanted to give Pete more time and space to open up to him by himself. But before that, he wanted to assure him, that he loves him and give him the comfort that Pete gave him which he thought never exists.
Sorry for the late update. Was out of ideas plus I didn't like the writing. So, thought of quiting. But anyways here I am. Hope you'll like it. Please share your thoughts and if you have any ideas do share that too. I really need some support.

Take Love🌻
Thank you❤️

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