Crushed Childhood(18+)

930 52 12

Pete (11-year-old)



It was a normal day at Pete's school. He watched how the parents kissed their children's cheeks and bid them goodbye. The smile on their faces shows how proud they are as parents. The kids gave the genuine happiest smile to their parents, which only made Pete's eyes get teary.

Why was he never treated like them? He questioned himself every day.

It is an everyday situation for him, but he still cannot stop the pain he feels inside him. The guilt of not doing enough to make his parents proud is already killing him, above that the continuous verbal abuse he faced at home is the cherry on top.

Pete always thought that if on a random day, he disappears, will his parents search for him, or they will feel relieved that they finally got rid of a useless creature like him? Or if one day he just dies, by jumping in front of some truck, will anyone cry for him?

Will anyone stop by to show some pity for his weak body? Or send condolences to his parents? Will his parent be finally happy that he left?

He always wondered whether people will recognize his existence if he dies. As a kid, he always wished that something bad happen to him and that he will finally succeed in getting his parent's attention.

He thought this was the same in everyone's home. Every child was probably trying this hard to get their parent's attention.

After school, he came back home to the same situation. His parents were shouting and cursing each other. His dad is already having an affair but still wants money from his mother, who is working hard to pay for Pete's education and her own medical bills.

He stood in front of the door, sobbing silently, hoping that this would stop and that this house would start feeling like home one day.


The next year after Pete's mother died, things got downhill. His father became more abusive and blamed him for his mother's condition, and as a kid, he believed in those kinds of stuff and kept on blaming himself for his mom's condition.

He sat in his room tiring to fall asleep. When he heard his father entering the house. When his father couldn't find him downstairs, he came upstairs to search for his son.

When Pete looked at the man, he saw sorrow and redemption in his eyes for the first time in his life. He thought the death of his mother has also affected his father at some point.

And like every other kid, he innocently walks towards the man. He thought his father is here to console him.

But the moment his father was inside his room, he showed his true intentions to approach his son. He growled and started walking towards Pete, who stood at the farthest corner of the room with his toes curled up in a ball.

He didn't know what was waiting for him. All he knew was that he was going to get beaten by his father.

The next moment his left cheek felt a burning sensation as it came in contact with his father's palm. He started crying, and the more he cried more angrier his father got.

The next moment he heard his father opening his belt, he was expecting to get beaten by that.

But he was harshly thrown on the bed, then his wrists were tied up with the belt, before he could grasp this whole situation, his shirt was torn apart, and his trousers were torn down along with his boxers.

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