Fitting into your memories

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Vegas POV:

While lying in the bed with Pete in my arms. I felt so happy. I was used to this sight every day but still can't get used to it. From the balcony you can see the blue ocean, it was during the afternoon time and I wanted to take a walk in the neighbourhood and know more about the place. After all, Pete grew up here, though I can't be a part of his memories that are related to his hometown, at least I can know them and console my soul.

I nudged Pete to wake him up. His smiling, sleepy face turned into a pout. I hated to wake him up, but I really wanted to go out. So, I tried again, I kissed his forehead and got closer to his ears, "Pete, babe. Let's go for a walk. We'll leave in a few days, so we need to visit every place here.

He yawned and rubbed his sleepy little eyes. "Let's go tomorrow, okay? I promise we will visit every place on this island". He groaned in a pleading voice. "But why waste today? We really didn't do anything let's go naa!". I also tried to act cute.

But honestly, I wanted to spend some alone time with Pete. And it would be great to revive Pete's childhood when I wasn't a part of it, this would've sounded cringe and strange to the old Vegas but I really want to know everything that the little piece of shit; Kraew, knows.

"The sun is going to set in a few hours, Vegas". Pete tried to change my mind again.

"We will visit only the nearby places, and will not go very far". And I got up before he could give me any more excuses. "I think Venice is still sleeping, let me ask Macau and Nop to take care of him". I said before taking Venice to my brother's room.

Pete sighed while rubbing his face in the pillow, "It's okay Vegas, we'll carry him in his stroller".

"No need, if it gets dark, you'll start freaking out and will get another reason to scold me". I slowly got the little creature out of his crib while answering Pete. "Fine whatever you say". He sounded defeated. I smiled at that.

I walked towards my brother's room, which was next to us. As I reached his room, I could hear the giggling of two different males and some little commotions. I was confused and my protective mode was on. And I was about to knock on his door when a hand stopped me.

I turned to see.

Pete's POV:

I was too sleepy but I also wanted to visit my favourite places here along with my lover. So, I forced myself to get up. And Vegas took Venice to Macau's room, but he forgot to check Venice's diaper. So, I also followed him with a new diaper in my hand. But as I got out, I heard Macau and another man's voice coming from his room. And as I got closer, I understood to whom the voice actually belonged. That's when I felt the change in Vegas's face. Though I could still see the questioning look in his eyes, that means he hasn't figured out that other voice. I have to save their asses.

"You forgot to check Venice's diaper". I said to him in a low voice.

He turned around, "why not you get back to our room and change his diaper if needed? Till then I will do a little chit-chat with my brother". He really tried not to sound annoyed.

"But babe I need to get ready. Why not you help me with this?". I tried to act all cute. Macau dear, you better buy me curry when we get back to Bangkok.

"But Macau...".

I cut him off with a cute pleading look, "talk to him after we get back, and I'll ask grandma to look after Venice, okay?". He sighed but agreed to me.

We got back to our room, Vegas changed Venice's diaper. I wore a sleeveless white T-shirt and a beige trunk. Vegas wore a saddle brown coloured shirt, with the first three buttons undone, and paired it with white oversized trousers.

I took Venice who was sleeping peacefully in our bed and went downstairs to find grandma. Vegas followed me after a few seconds. I gave Venice to grandma and kissed the little one's forehead, before walking outside.

It was nice weather, though the sun was bright, it wasn't that hot because the cold breeze was blowing. We walked towards a nearby monastery, which was at the top of a small hill. When I was a kid, I used to visit this place more often, the monks used to love me and offer me sweets and other snacks. Honestly, I was loved by almost everyone in our neighbourhood. We were holding hands like some teenage couple, out for their date. His eyes were shining like a happy little kid. I adored every side of Vegas, but that unloved and damaged child inside Vegas affects me a lot. Both of our fathers gave us a lot of traumas but I still had my grandparents and other friends who took care of me. But instead of getting some care, he had to take care of his little brother.

We entered the monastery and prayed there. After I took him to my favourite place outside the main building. We need to crawl down a little as the land was a bit sloppy. I helped Vegas to sit down in a comfortable position because we are going to sit there and watch the sunset. It is going to be a pretty sunset and I was sure about that. We sat there folding our legs near to our chin. Vegas intertwined his fingers and put his head on my shoulder.

"You know Pete, it feels unreal to me that someone who always knew me as a creepy devil could love me. I know I have told you these same things before but I still can't explain my emotions to you or anyone. It's not about our relationship, it's just someone who is here beside me, adoring me, taking care of me and above all he wants me. I have known a lot of people in my life and many of them needed me for some reason. But you wanted me, Pete a person like me who was always hated by everyone and believed that love will never reach him is being loved by someone like you. I really hope everyone who had a messed-up life like me finds someone like you, only shattered and damaged people like me know how much they need someone like you in their life. Thanks for making me realize that I can also love someone and above all thanks for loving me, Pete".

I kissed his head; my eyesight was getting blurry because of the tears that flooded the corner of my eyes. "Vegas, if you are forgetting then let me remind you that my childhood was not also that love and I need someone who would love me like you. Yes, I indeed had people who adored me but it would be a lie to say I was saturated with that love because that was a piteous love. And next, you had the capability of loving someone and protecting them from the harsh world and Macau is the only example of that. I only made you realize that. And thank you for loving me just because you wanted to love me".

He looked up and he failed to control his tears.I took his face in between my palms and then captured his lips with my lips only to assure him that his existence soothes me. I find peace in his presence. He has become the reality that I used to imagine throughout my childhood.








Thank you for reading.

Be happy ❤️
Take Love🌻

VegasPete: Love can HealWhere stories live. Discover now