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Pete POV:

It was evening already. Vegas and I were sitting by the beach watching the sun go down. Today was a roller-coaster but I am glad it happened today because living with that mental turmoil somewhere was affecting my day-to-day life. I wanted to confront my father since the day I came to Chumphon after joining the main family, and I am glad that it finally happened.

"So... are you feeling better?" Vegas asked me while his thumb was caressing the back of my palm.

I turned to look at him, he had that worried look on his face. I smiled and nodded. But my man was still not satisfied. His other hand landed on my cheek.

"I know it was hard and it is going to be hard Pete, but trust me I will be right beside you to support your every decision. But do not hold anything inside yourself, please share with me, take your time but please do, I cannot see you suffering." He said with a sincere tone.

I stared at those dark brown eyes that carried so many emotions. My eyes felt heavy and the water that was building up at the corners started falling.

"I am scared Vegas. Though he said a part of me still cannot let go of his past deeds. People change with time, but did my cruel father change? But a part of me also wants my child to grow up with his grandfather. I am confused...was it acceptable to forgive him and move on?"

I was really scared about the consequences of this whole situation.

Vegas nodded after he heard my confusion.

"Honestly Pete, no one knows what the future holds for them. But forgiving someone who has hurt you so much, needs a lot of self-restraints to not treat them the same way they did to you. Never question your kindness, but do not let your father misuse your kindness, be careful about that. And I am and will be there beside you, to always protect us and our family." He patted my head and pecked my forehead as if to seal the promise.

"Let's get back home, Venice might be waiting for us." Vegas said in a soft tone

We both got up and took the empty beer cans to throw them onto the nearby dustbin.

As we were approaching our house, I could see my little boy sitting on his uncle's lap and laughing at something. They were in the garden, so as we got closer, we could see that it was not something but 'someone'. My father was playing hide and seek with my little boy, to be more precise my father was hiding behind a tree, and after a few seconds he would come out and tickle Venice, which made him a laughing mess.

As I opened the gate Venice started jumping on Macau's lap and whining because Macau was still holding him, If he could walk, he would have run towards me by now.

I went towards them, and Macau handed me my little boy, he looked so relieved and happy in my arms. I kissed his chubby cheeks, and he giggled in my arms.

My dad gazed in awe at us. He had that look, that I could not interpret. When he saw me staring at him, he slightly smiled and left.

We had our flight in the morning, so we had to catch the first ferry to the airport. For that, we completed our dinner pretty early tonight.

After I packed everything and put Venice to sleep, I was waiting for Vegas, he said he had something to talk to my grandparents about. After a few minutes and got ready for bed.

I was a bit curious to know what he was saying to my parents, but my tiredness took over my curiosity, so within a few seconds I fell into a deep slumber.



"We are back home!" I sighed after entering the mansion. It is so funny that a minor mansion became my home instead of Chumphon.

VegasPete: Love can HealWhere stories live. Discover now