'Kintsugi'(Golden Repair)

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Pete POV:

It was the next morning and the sun was shining bright, the cold sea breeze struck my face and woke me up with the prettiest view that I woke up to every day but still can't get used to it. Vegas was sleeping peacefully; his face was slightly hidden in the crook of my neck. I have always envied him because he looked so handsome in his sleep, whereas I looked like some stupid puppy soaked in his own saliva.

I lay on the bed for a few more minutes to believe that it was real. But Vegas was already awake, he pulled me closer and kissed my head. I looked at this bundle of sunshine and smiled at the realization, that this moment was so fucking real. I was getting teary and he noticed it.

He got up to check on me, "What is wrong Pete? Are you feeling sick?". He asked with concern in his voice.

I shook my head and rubbed the tears that were already falling from the corner of my eyes. He still had that concerned look on his face. So, I pulled him to kiss his forehead, and gave him an assuring smile, "I am totally okay love, just couldn't believe all these are real, you-me, and our little family. I just remembered what my parents used to tell me when I was a kid".

Vegas hugged me, "What they used to tell you? Tell me, let's see whether they were right or not".

I sighed and asked, "do you really want to hear that?"

Vegas nodded and rubbed my arms to assure me he is there to listen to me. So, I looked at the ceiling and started.

"My father was wrong, I am a better person, and I also deserved to be loved. Being a person with so much childhood trauma sucks. When your own parents always proved that you're not wanted, and unloved as a child to the point where you reject yourself. As I grew up and understood my problems, I wanted to forgive my parents because they are my 'parents' and as a child, you are expected to respect them, even if they treat you as a product or trash.

When my mom started to work after she left my father, somewhere I expected life was going to be better but whom was I kidding, she too accused me of her terrible fate, she sometimes told me, it would've been better if she discarded me even before I was born, and still every day I used to wait for her to come back home and bring me something, but even though every day she came empty-handed, I still believed one day she will accept me and will just be happy with my existence. But the day I came to know about her illness, I kept on blaming myself. Later on, when my father again forced me to stay with him, I realized I will never be able to get rid of this shithole. Even at some point, I blamed myself for ruining the relationship with my father. Then as I grew up, I saw my grandparents struggling to pay for my school and other essentials. And somewhere along the way, I started believing that I don't deserve any love, though somewhere I craved it. I even tried to kill myself so many times, but each time my grandparents' faces came in front of my eyes and I couldn't succeed in killing myself.

So, when I became Khun's personal bodyguard at such a young age, and he treated me as his little brother, I felt so weird, the loneliness has already engulfed me in some way that I didn't know a way out of it. Love, care, or people genuinely feeling happy for me, all these felt so foreign to me. I always desired to feel loved by others, wanted by others, or just people being happy about me, but in the end, it was me who started rejecting them.

Then you came into my life and made me know about myself. You made me accept myself and let me see the side of me that I didn't know existed. Somewhere I again started believing in myself and that I deserved to be loved because it was not my fault that I was born into that fucked up family".

After I finished saying my thoughts, I felt relieved. Then I looked at my man who was on the verge of crying. If 'we' never happened, then for me, Vegas would have been the 'Khun Vegas' he is to the world. This side of Vegas is something that I want to keep to myself.

I nudged him to get his attention.

He hugged me again as if to reassure me, that 'he is there, and will be there'.

"I am glad to be the reason for your happiness, Pete Pongshakorn. I wish we keep on being each other's strength and love each other more every day. I am so fucking glad you stayed. I promise to take care of you and never let you feel the same way you felt during your childhood".

"I trust you Vegas. Thanks for existing and letting me exist in your life".

We sealed our promises with a kiss and whispered 'I love you' to each other.

Then our sweet moment ended with our son's little weeps. Vegas gave an annoyed look but still got up to get Venice from his crib. He brought Venice to our bed, Venice tried to jump from Vega's arms after he saw me. Vegas shook his annoy and hold Venice tightly and not letting him get closer to me, which definitely angered Venice, and started punching Vegas in his chest, which made both of us laugh.

"You are really my love rival, kiddo". Vegas said to him with a smile and lay him on the bed in between us.

I kissed Venice's chubby cute cheeks and kissed Vegas on his nose, which made Venice giggle.

I hope we stay like this forever.

I hope everyone finds themselves a Vegas in their life.




Take Love🌻.

Sorry, for the late update. I hope you all love this chapter. Do share your thoughts. 

Thank you so much for reading, and above all encouraging me to keep on writing this story. I love each one of you and appreciate your existence.

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