chapter 6

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devil's heaven

4 humans enter the devil's heaven. The name's maybe a devils heaven , to some it may look like just a mere name but it has it's own meaning. Y/n enters the club like the queen she is. And then there is dohyun who had his eyes shifting from dance floor to the bar. And last but not least the lost puppies who is following yn. 

Tae and jimin heard of this club but never seen it in real. The club is not too fancy but it looks a little expensive. One end of the club has the stairs to above and below floors. And at the corner there is a bar. In the middle there is a massive dance floor, in between bar and dance floor there is like lounge to sit and drink.

Y/n enters into  lounge area and has choosen a seat away from dance floor and near the bar. May not be a coincidence that no one is occupying that particular place.She sits not vey lady likely and opposite to he that is other side of table is sitting tae and jimin.  As soon as they came the comes a bartender to take their order. Y/n doesn't give any order as they know what she wants, Then there is dohyun who says a fancy name to the bartender. Tae and jimin order apple juice not knowing what to order. 

dohyun, " hey look! above floors are private rooms  and below floors are for stripping clubs, If you wish you can go there"

Hearing this tae and jimin made disgusting faces. They both flaunt their hands showing they are not interested. Seeing them dohyun lets out a chuckle and continues "Since it will take a little time to finish our work , so i decide to fucking enjoy my time. So y/n I will be on the dance floor and will see if I can get any thing in return tonight. And I know the rules, there is no need to repeat. And now I will take my leave" He does a little salute thing. When he turns around the bartender has arrived with their drinks. He takes his drink and disappears into the dance floor. 

yn just sighs and takes her drink sipping it slowly and enjoying it . Taehyung and jimin also takes their drinks .

y/n pov

This dohyun, he never changes. I don't know if he can get a man or not today. If not for these two kids, I would be going to those private rooms dragging that dohyun along with me. We three were just drinking and watching dohyun flirt with some guy. 

Surprisingly taehyung starts to speak. " I just want to know, what is your age?"  "18"  I answered him. 

jimin, " then we are your oppa" I just gave him a look that tells him 'so what'. It looks like he is not going to stop talking any time soon. tae just observes us.

jimin, "is dohyun gay?" he questions me " he is a bi" .I mean ther is no need to hide it from them. " Then how do feel about him being a bi? I mean like don't you find him disgusting or somthing?" I jjust gave him a little glare, he started explaining himself. " Dont look at me like that . It's just that so many people doesn't like them so i was just asking you?"

" No I don't see him like that. We live a very short life . Thinking about what others may say will not give you enough time to see or experience life. They will say things . People change their opinions according to situation, then why care about something or someone that is temporary"

This is the longest statement i have spoken this week . I didn't plan to give a speech but seeing them it felt like they should know this thing. 

Just then i got a call saying that i have to come to a private room. I searched for dohyun, I called him " come here" "whyyyy"  he started whining as he was in the middle of making out with guy. Even though he was whining he started to make his way to us.

jimin pov

As soon as y/n calls dohyun comes to us pouting . I swear on god he is a man child. 

After he came y/n told us that she will collect the documents and then we can leave. As soon as y/n leaves dohyun orders another drink.

tae, " does she really don't talk to people or because she doesn't know us?" . Dohyun started laughing. " I think you are the only people she has kept up with. Normally she doesn't care about these things. She would have left back in the alley itself. In her case you can count number of words she speak a day or number of times she-" he stops speaking as if remembering something . His face showing that he is sad "- has smiled in her life. You can count it all. All i wiah for her to nat have a need to count these type of things. Oh my !! what am i talking about?? Did i drunk or waht??  Waiter!" he orders more drinks and pple juice for us as we have completed pervious ones. But really we can count smiles in her life . I feel bad for her. I mean no one should count the happy times in their life. 

While we were drinking y/n came back and signed us to come out with her. She has some documents. I observed something . Every time we were walking dohyun always walks infront of us where as y/n walks at the back. As we got in the car y/n gave the file to dohyun. THey asked for our address . Tae told them and y/n started driving towards the destination our house.

I just hope that our parent's aren't back yet.

Hey guys!! 

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Thankyou and love you all!!!!!!!!!!!!!💖💖💖💖💖

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