My Melody

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The exact reason I bought my own place as soon as I could was so that I can read a book in silence, or do any of the hobbies I recently picked up, like knitting or learning recipes. No, it had nothing to do with me being older. It was just... I prefer being more mature now.

Granted, before, I liked to dress up fancy even when we were just staying in our dorm, however, getting to be in pajamas all day long is a luxury, a luxury which I couldn't indulge now with Yeojin using my house as a stopover where her boyfriend could pick her up. I was comfortable with her, but while anticipating a visitor, I couldn't possibly lounge around not wearing a bra.

Another problem I had was... She kept breaking my things! I loved this girl to death, but if she broke another cup or got muddy footprints on my carpet again, I would pinch her ears until they fall off!

Yeojin got too comfortable with me lately, she even started calling me 'Eomma'. I didn't know if she did that intentionally, or if it just slipped off her tongue. I never bothered to point it out to her, because, well... It didn't bother me. I guessed it should just be a practice for when I actually became a mom.


Speak of the devil. Yeojin called at the top of her lungs, loud enough for me to hear her from three rooms away. I giggled and stood up, walking towards the living room where I left her earlier.

"Neee, Yeojin-ah?" I called back, "Is your boyfriend here yet? Are you kids leaving already?"
"No... He's still on the way, Eomma... He said their meeting ended late, and he's coming as soon as he can!" Yeojin replied.
"Then why did you call me?" I inquired as I stepped into the living room.

Yeojin paused for a second as she saw me, looking like an afraid little kitten after spilling milk onto the carpet. Did she spill milk onto the carpet?

"I–I'm... Joesonghamnida, Eomma~" she said in a cute manner.

Instantly, I started looking around the room to see whatever she had broken again. Hmm... The table still had legs, the TV remote control looked untouched, and the cups and container of orange juice I served her were still intact.

"What did you do this time, Yeojin-ie?" I sighed, leaning forward to where she was sitting like a mother scolding her daughter.

Yeojin had this worried look on her face, and I had the hardest time trying to keep a straight and convincing angry face. How could I actually hate this girl?


Before I could break her down even more, the doorbell rang, followed by a series of gentle knocks on the door

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Before I could break her down even more, the doorbell rang, followed by a series of gentle knocks on the door. A male voice called from behind the door.

"Annyeonghaseyo? Yeojin-ie... Haseul-noona..." the voice called us. "It's Gaheul!"

I smiled and straightened myself.

"Come in, Gaheul-ssi! The door is unlocked!" I yelled back.

The young and respectful boy opened the door, rubbing his muddied shoes on the rag before proceeding in and greeted Yeojin and I with a smile.

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