The Loona Incident (Part Two)

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"We should split up," I told Haneul.
"Eh? But isn't he at the master room?" he asked me.
"Maybe... Maybe not. Fuqin is unpredictable. I'll check the lower decks... You check the upper?" I suggested.
"Very well. Take a few of my men with you," Haneul said, but I shook my head.
"No... Tell them to stay on your yacht. If anything happens, they should be ready to leave with the girls," I told him.

Haneul and the Captain stared at me, weighing my suggestion, but eventually they nodded

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Haneul and the Captain stared at me, weighing my suggestion, but eventually they nodded. Haneul gave me a pat on the shoulder, and he walked inside, heading into the inner sections of this cruise ship. Gowon, Heejin, Choerry, and Yeojin gave me a look before following him... But Vivi stayed in her place, staring at me.

"I'll come with you," she said. I furrowed my brows.
"It's safer with the others," I tried, but she shook her head.
"No. I'm not leaving you again," she said. "... And I'm safe with you."

She reached a hand out, beckoning me. Slowly, I smiled, and accepted her hand, pulling her into an embrace. She hugged me back, but she pulled me to walk with her, leaving Haneul's yacht, walking to the stern side of the cruise ship.

"What... Are you planning... Fin?" she asked me slowly in our mother tongue.

Her words surprised me. So she knew. She knew that I purposely wanted to separate from the group. I sighed and looked at her, finding her staring at me as we walked. She knew me. Of course she did. I could never lie to her.

"I... There's a lifeboat at the stern. We... We should leave... While we still can..." I whispered. Vivi's eyes widened.
"Leave? But... The girls?" she asked in confusion. I shook my head.
"I don't care about them... I... Only care about you..." I told her.

Vivi stared deep into my eyes. I saw the conflict in her eyes, but she said nothing. I knew she was loyal to me, just as I was loyal to my father. Our loyalties were deeper, stronger than any bond any girl group could establish. I had to tell her. She deserved to know.

"Fuqin... Fuqin... Always rigs his ships with explosives, in case he needs to tie up loose ends, or to claim some money. When... When he demanded Haneul to come earlier, and when I saw the helicopter above just now... Also when we found the ship empty... I... I fear that... This is what he's planning to do..." I informed her.

Vivi kept quiet, not saying a word as we kept walking towards the stern. Slowly, she looked up.

 Slowly, she looked up

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