Everyday I Love You

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This isn't home.

I do love Korea. The food, the scenery, the weather; it was all perfect. Above all, I loved the eleven girls I was stuck with.

What I didn't love about Korea was that I was nowhere near my mom, my dad, my close friends. Those eleven girls I loved? They could go home whenever they wanted to and spend time with their family and friends. Being from Hong Kong, it wasn't as easy for me.

 Being from Hong Kong, it wasn't as easy for me

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That was why today was a big day for me. My boyfriend Fin Leung was coming to Korea! He was the most loyal partner anyone could ever ask for. I never had to worry about him losing my trust because of another girl, nor did he do anything dishonest to warrant such an impression upon him. I'd been told that even his boss credited him as the most loyal employee he had. Since I couldn't come home, at least part of my home would come to me. We've tried to talk everyday since I left Hong Kong to go train in Korea, and soon he also had to go north to Shenzhen, China for work. Now, years later, it was as if it was fate, almost a miracle, that his career and my career would intertwine.

The company he worked for, Xenoa East, an investment company, just acquired Blockberry Creative from its parent company, Polaris Entertainment. Among the girls, I was the first to find out of this acquisition because of my relationship with a high-ranking employee, but right now, I was still as lost as they were.

We were all in the dark, and not even the man I loved would tell me anything about it. What's worse, he got even busier than he was since the acquisition happened. The daily calls turned to weekly texts. I missed him so bad. All I knew was, any time this week, he would knock on my door. Or just call me. Give me any reminder that he knew I still existed.

Ring Ring... Ring Ring...

Staring out the window of my vocal training room, I jolted up from the sudden noise I heard from my handbag. With an excited smile, I hurriedly scrambled the top of my desk to look for my phone. It had probably only been like two days since he last called, but to me, it felt like forever. He only used his company phone outside of Hong Kong, and I never thought I would be this excited to receive calls from a foreign contact number. Finally, I got the phone in my hand! And I looked at the caller ID...


Oh... It's just Chuu. I mean... I love talking to her because her raw ENFP energy was contagious... She was my instant happy pill. But right now, I wanted to talk to the man I loved. I answered the phone, anyway.

"Chuu, annyeong!" I energetically began the conversation, knowing she'll be her usual loud self. However, she didn't reciprocate the energy.
"Unnie... Vivi-unnie..."


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