Let Me In

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This has been the most fun I've had in a while...

I just met this beautiful woman today. Sure, I found her climbing into my house... But she didn't have bad intentions, right? That was a good thing.

She turned out to be my son's girlfriend's friend, which was exactly what I found odd right now. Despite me being more than a decade older than she was, she agreed to go out for dinner with me. And now... We were... Walking to my bedroom. My heart was racing. I looked at Haseul as she admired the interior design of my house.

 I looked at Haseul as she admired the interior design of my house

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"Wow..." she uttered, "The industrial off-white walls, the seemingly-expensive paintings... The rare indoor plants... This is exactly how I imagined my dream house!"
"Well... You're always welcome to visit!" I replied with a smile.
"Visit? I want to stay here!" Haseul exaggerated.

We stopped in our tracks and looked at each other in surprise of what she just said. I was a firm believer of the Freudian slip, and my fingers were crossed that this was the case with her. Haseul looked panicked, though.

"I–I mean... S–Stay here... And you can take my house instead!" she decided to joke.

She didn't have to, really, because I enjoyed the fantasy. It had really been a long time since I even had any feelings towards any woman... Too long, perhaps. After we shared a chuckle, I changed the topic to save her from further embarrassment.

"That's the master bedroom right there, Haseul," I pointed to the grandiose doorway with two wooden doors.
"The door... The woodwork is magnificent!" Haseul exclaimed.
"I'm more excited to show you what's inside," I smiled.

I pushed the doors inward, still looking at Haseul, curious
as to how she would respond. Her eyes lit up with excitement as she walked in, and she acted as if she would buy my house from how infatuated she was with it.

I could almost see her overwhelmed by the design of my room. I didn't think she'd be very interested in interior design, but judging from her classy clothes, mannered demeanor, and the vibe she emitted... I could tell that she enjoyed these things.

"This is... Unbelievable..." she barely said a word.

She gazed around the room, from the transparent glass wall encasing my floating watch collection, the emperor-sized silk-covered bed, the postmodern chandelier installed above said bed, and the window-screen which displayed a rainy afternoon, when in truth it was a warm evening the whole time. Finally, she directed her attention towards a wall.

"That... Wall... It's blank? You didn't place any other decorations there?" Haseul pondered.
"Oh, that's not a wall..." I chuckled.

I took out my phone and tapped the screen to activate the 'wall'. The blank space showed my Netflix profile in an instant.

"It's my TV set," I said.
"W–Woah..." Haseul commented in amazement, "I–It... Feels too good to be true."
"That's... Partly true," I chuckled, "None of these are available for the public. Whenever I made investments in various companies, they give me products which are not yet in the market."

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