Fall Again

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"I'm... I'll head down... I'll see what happens!" the Captain exclaimed.
"I... I–I'll go with you!" screamed Choerry, sounding determined.

I felt like I should have stopped Choerry from joining the Captain, but I couldn't say anything. I could only stand there, watching her disappear with the Captain down the stairs, into Xenoa Lim's chamber. The rest of us on the helipad were simply too stunned to do anything. We simply couldn't believe what had just happened in front of our eyes... Leo... Pushed Xenoa Lim over the edge... Mr. Lim plunged his sword into Leo's chest... And they both fell into the ocean... Was this... Was this a bad dream?

"Gaheul! Gaheul, gwaenchanha?"

Haneul's voice brought me back to the present, and only then did I notice that I was embracing Heejin

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Haneul's voice brought me back to the present, and only then did I notice that I was embracing Heejin. I exchanged glances with my girlfriend as we turned around, seeing the businessman kneeling next to his son, working quickly to untie and ungag him, before hugging him in his arms as Yeojin wept, still clutching Gaheul's arm tightly. Gaheul nodded weakly.

"G–Gwaen... Gwaenchanha-yo... A–Abeoji..." the boy whispered. Haneul nodded, tears wetting his cheeks.
"I'm sorry... I–I'm sorry, Gaheul..." he apologized to his son.
"Gwaenchan... Ha..." Gaheul muttered, smiling weakly as he turned at his weeping girlfriend.

Gaheul seemed okay anyway. He was bruised and beaten, he was clearly in shock, but he was relatively well, unlike...

"Oh no... Gowon..." Heejin muttered.

I saw it too. A few steps away from Yeojin, Haneul, and Gaheul... Were Gowon, Hyejoo, and... And a badly mangled Sejun. Gowon was screaming in despair as she cradled Sejun's bloodied head on her lap, his blood smearing her clothes and her hands. Hyejoo... Hyejoo's arms were around Gowon's shoulders. I noticed that she was crying... And this was the first time I saw the tough girl crying in a long, long time. I realized then that Sejun was lying eerily still, unmoving. Was he... Was he dead?

"S–Sejun! Sejun

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"S–Sejun! Sejun... Sejun please... S–Sejun! Sejun wake up! J–Jebal! JEBAL! AHN SEJUN!" Gowon continued screaming.
"G–Gowonie... Gowonie... Come on... It's... It's too late... It's... Too late..." Hyejoo wept. Gowon shook her head stubbornly.
"No... N–No! NO! SEJUN! AHN SEJUN! JEBAL! AHN SEJUN!!!" she shrieked.

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