Day and Night

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"Don't hurt my son. I'm on my way."

My heart sank to the bottom of my chest as I replied to the haunting voice through the watch. As much as possible, I didn't want to respond to him, but now that my son's in danger, I had a new priority. Fuck the company.

When Gaheul volunteered to get on that ship with his best friend, my instinct as a father told me to stop him. But then again, I did not want to dismiss him and his feelings. He's grown up to be a man, and he's already a much better man than I was back then.

I looked up, and I saw that everyone else, whether they were resting or minding their own business before, instantly gathered around me. Yeojin rushed to hug me tightly.

"Appa! Please tell me you have a plan!" she was already sobbing.

My head was held low... I was deep in thought. Around me, murmurs filled the air.

"I... I knew something like this would happen..." Gowon cried.
"Unnie, where's Leo? Maybe he could help get them out of this..." Choerry badgered Heejin.

Still, I had nothing. All the thoughts in mind seemed to just be worry, and no solution. I have always been the smart kind, the one who wouldn't let his emotions get in the way of his endeavors. But right now... My hands were shaking.

"There's no... I can't... He'll kill..." I stuttered, not finding the strength to even finish a sentence.

Yeojin held my hands, and looked up to me. Only with the warmth she made me feel did I realize that my own hands were frozen cold.

 Only with the warmth she made me feel did I realize that my own hands were frozen cold

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"Appa... You always know what's best. Don't overthink it," she said.

I looked back at her, and was met by a hopeful look in her eyes, as if she actually believed that I could save Gaheul.

Maybe I could.

I mustered enough courage to give her a smile back, but I softly removed Yeojin's tiny hands from my own.

"I-I... I have to go..." I told them.

I was going to walk my way out of the studio, until I was met by Heejin, her arms spread, covering the entire path towards the door.

I was going to walk my way out of the studio, until I was met by Heejin, her arms spread, covering the entire path towards the door

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