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My name is Alexis Hope Curtis and I have long dirty blonde hair that goes right below my mid back and pretty brown eyes. I'm 17 and this is my story.

I said my goodbye's as I walked out of the Downtown Diner. I looked at my watch it read 1:30pm and Darry don't get off work till about 5:30pm. I guess I'll walk down to the DX station and hangout with Soda and Steve.
I wasn't too far from the DX when I heard a car behind me. I didn't want to look because 9 chances out of 10 it was a Soc. The Socs are the west side rich kids who like to pick and beat on us east side Greasers. most people call us hoods because we shoplift, we have gang fights, and we wear to much grease in our hair. I'm not saying me and my brothers do stuff like that. I guess I had stopped walkin' cause I heard a couple guys behind me. I turned around to find 5 Socs walking towards me. The Socs circled me but I saw a gap between two. I was thinking maybe I could make a run for it. The guy in the teal madras started walking towards me

"Hey there Greaser, where do you think your goin walkin' by yourself?" he said as he got close.

"Well by the looks of it not with you." I said as I backed away from him and looked for a way out of this pickle.

"Well I think you are." He said as he got closer.

"I think not!" I yelled as I punched him in the face with a satisfying crunch and I took off running as fast as I could. I heard him hit the ground and shout

"After her!" As I made my way around the corner towards the DX station. That's where my older brother Sodapop works. Steve Randle also works at the DX he's Soda's best friend but he works part time while Soda works full time. It's pretty awesome having Steve as Soda's best friend because he treats me like a little sister. To be honest I think he likes me more than Pony. The DX was in sight and I knew Soda and Steve were around the DX somewhere so I started screaming at the top of my lungs. I went to scream again but somebody tackled me to the ground. I was flipped onto my back and I saw the same Soc I punched.

"I'm goin to make you pay for that, I may even give you a haircut right about here." He said as he held a switchblade to my throat. I went crazy putting up the best fight I could hoping one of the Gang heard me.

"Shut her up!" He yelled as he slugged my face. My vision got real blury and I felt a sharp pain in my cheek, then he punched me with his other hand.

"GET THE HELL OF MY SISTER!" I heard someone yell I wasn't sure who it was but it sounded like Soda.

"LEAVE HER ALONE YOU SON OF A BITCH!" I heard another voice but I wasn't sure who that was either.

"Alex can you hear me?! Alex?!" I heard someone say. I hate having blurry vision I really do. I went to say yea I can hear you but it come out sounding funny.

"mmmbmmmm uhh mmmb." I mumbled. I heard someone chuckle. My vision was starting to come back I could make out two people in DX uniforms.

"Soduh, Stave?" I slurred.

"Yeah kid were here." Steve said as he leaned down next to me and let out a little laugh.

"It's not funny Steve." I said as I looked his way.

"I thought it was funny." said Steve

"you okay Lex?" Asked soda as he helped me up.

"Yeah I'll be fine. Soda will you carry me to the DX?" I asked him as u held onto him for support.

"Yeah sure why not lil' sis." Soda said as he picked me up.

"Thanks Soda your the best big brother." I said as I gave him a kiss on the cheek.

"Suck up." Steve said as we started walking.

Soda carried me across the street and into the DX and sat me down.

"Hey me and Stevie are goin to go back to work do you think you'll be okay out here or do you want to come to the back with us till we finish the car were workin on?" Soda asked with concern in his face.

"I don't know. I'm still a little shook up but I should be fine. I'll even work the cash register." I said as I took Soda's hat of his head an put it on mine. Soda and Steve laughed as I walked behind the counter an sat in the stool.

"Okay but if you need anything just holler." Steve said as he followed Soda into the back. I was stocking the shelves behind the counter when I heard the bells. "Ding Ding".

"How may I help you?" I asked my back still turned.

"How about letting me take you to dinner and a movie?" The person asked. My back was still turned to the person

"I don't think so I already have a boyfriend." I said

"Well that's to bad then." The guy said. I turned around to meet a pair of deep brown eyes.

"James! What are you doing here?" I asked as I come out from behind the counter to hug him. James is Steve's 17 year old brother. He has brown hair and beautiful deep brown eyes. Him, Pony, and Johnny are all best buds. James is way to get along with, he's a great friend, and a lovable guy not to mention he taken by me.

"Hey babe..., what happened to your cheek and your neck?" He asked as he returned the hug and then looked at my neck and cheek worriedly. He let go and looked down at me.

"I'll be okay. I got jumped in the way over here but Soda and Steve came to my rescue." I said as I walked behind the counter and sat on my stool.

"I'm sorry I wasn't there to help and surely they didn't leave you here by yourself?" James asked as he leaned on the counter behind me.

"Its okay and definitely not, there not that dumb." I said. I turned around to look at him.

"Who's not that dumb?" My brother asked as him and Steve come from the back.

"Y'all aren't that dumb to leave me here by myself after getting jumped." I answered him.

"Look Randle jr. is here. Nice of you to drop by little brother I know you missed me so much." Steve said jokingly.

"Least I ain't Randle senior and no I didn't miss you j missed this girl right here." James said as he gave me a kiss on the cheek.

"How did you know I was goin to be here?" I asked as I gave him a puzzled look.

"You get off at 1:30 and Darry don't get home till 5:30 plus you don't like to be alone." He answered me.

"Ohhhh okay that does make since." I said.

"Duhh." Steve said as he ran for the back. 2 reasons 1.) I threw a bottle at him and 2.) some pulled there car back there to be fixed.

"I'll be back." Soda said as he walked toward the back chuckling. What I saw next I did not want to believe.

Tell me what y'all think do I need to continue or not.

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