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*authors note I just want to thank my best friend Saraka_Kohera with helping me out so much with this story. Check out her account please! Don't forget if you have any ideas just tell me and I'll try to use them. Well on with the story!! 😊😄😍

I walked downstairs after Darry and saw my sister on the couch with Two-Bit.Alelia looked up from talking to Two-Bit and Steve. "Hey Alex." She said with a smile. "Hey, you wanted to talk to me about something." I said. "Yeah come on let's go outside." She said getting up from the couch. Once outside we sat on the porch swing. "What did you want?" I asked curiously. "I need your advice on something. I thought that since you already had a boyfriend that you would know how help me with this." Alelia rambled on. "Wow slow down chief." I said. Alelia then looked at me. "Two-Bit asked you out didn't he?" I said look at her mischievously. "So what did you tell him?" I asked her. "I said yes but, he wants me to go on a date with him tonight." Alelia said looking at her sister seeking help. "I'm not helping you." I stated. "But why not?" She asked me. "Because with stuff like this you have to learn on your own. Thats what me and James did." I told her. She just looked at me. "I'm serious it's not that hard Alelia you got this. Besides your the older sister if anything i should be asking you for help." I told her. "You were no help." Alelia said as she got up and went inside. I went back inside and grabbed an old photo album then I went to my bedroom upstairs. I closed my bedroom door and laid on my bed. I opened the photo album as I flipped through it I ran across an old picture from about 5 years ago. There was blonde boy and a girl with white hair with black tips. They both look so familiar I could almost tell you who they were. I really think that those are- 'knock knock' my thoughts cut off and I looked up the door. "Hey Alex can I come in?" Someone asked. "Yeah sure." I replied. The door opens and Ponyboy walked in. "Hey Pony what's shaking bacon?" I asked. "Dinner's ready. We called for you but you didn't come down." Said Pony. "Oh well I'll be down in a second." Was all I said.
After dinner was over me and Soda were doing the dishes. I was in deep thought debating wether I should ask Soda about the picture but I wasn't sure. "Alex." Soda said snapping his fingers. My head snapped up and I looked at him. "What did I miss something?" I asked. "No but you were mumbling about a picture or something." Said Soda. Oh gosh I said that out loud. Dang. "Pssh me talking about a picture that's just crazy." I told Soda with a guilty smile. Soda just looked at me as I continued the dishes. "Is their something you want to talk about?" He asked me knowing I wanted to talk about something. I swear these boys are telepathic. "Maybe later Soda." I said as I put the last dish away. I walked away from Soda and back up to my room. I continued on looking at the photo. "Hey." I looked up to see Soda. "Whacha lookin at?" Soda asked. "An old photo album." I answered. Soda walked over and sat on the bed beside me. "Pepsi Cola who are these two?" I asked him. "Those two. I remember them. Their our 1st cousins from dad's side his little sister Cassy. Asher and Amber Williams." Said Soda.
"How old are they and how come we don't see them?" I asked. "Your asking a lot of questions tonight aren't you?" He asked. "Yeah I know. Now answer please." I looked up at him. "Alright alright. If I'm correct Asher should be 19 and Amber should be 15 fixing to be 16." Soda said. "Oh well how come we don't see them?" I asked with curiously. "Well after Aunt Cassy died by saving a little kid our Uncle Jason didn't take to kindly of it and started drinking heavily and stayed drunk. Mom and Dad didn't like the way Uncle Jason was treating Asher and Amber so they tried to get custody. When they told our Uncle that he practically threw Asher and Amber in the car and drove off without a warning. We tried looking for them but we could never find them." He explained. "Oh do you think I could meet them one day?" I asked. "You already have you just don't recognize them, but when you see them again you'll remember." Soda said. I looked at the clock it was 10:30pm great I thought tomorrow's Monday. Soda must have saw the time too. "You need to be going to bed. You got school in the morning." He said getting up. He kissed my forehead and said "goodnight" and walked out. "Goodnight Soda." I said. I got changed and went and brushed my teeth. I went back to my room. Darry peeked his head in my room. "Hey Ale- never mind your headed to bed. Night lil sis." Darry said giving me a hug. "Night big brother." I said returning the hug. Darry walked out and I climbed into bed. I just hope tomorrow will be a good day. Maybe no Socs will pick on me but fat chance that'll happen right?

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