Locked behind doors

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"What?" Soda asked turning around to see a girl with hair as white as snow and turquoise eyes with specks of electric green.

"Yeah we know Darry. Are you a long lost daughter of his?" Asked Two-Bit. The girl just gave Two a cold death glare.

"Darry's not that way Two. Plus she's over half his age." said Steve defending the girl.

"Don't mind Keith he's got a bigger mouth than what he needs. If you want we could take you to the house Darry should be home by 5:30 tonight." Soda said with a small smile. Soda then turned back around to make sure I was okay.

"Do ya got a name?" Asked Two-Bit. Steve smacked him upside the head.

"What! Do you expect us to take her back to the Curtis' without a name?" Two-Bit asked. Steve went to say something but the girl cut him off.

"The name's Amber but my close friends call  me Yuki." Amber said as she shook hands with Steve.

"I'm Steve and this numbskull is Two-Bit." Said Steve.

"That's Soda and Alexis." Two said pointing to us.

"What happened is she okay?" Amber asked the boys.

"We're not sure she just came running around the corner." Said Steve. Just then Richard and two other boys came around the corner but stopped when they seen us.

"Can we help you?" Soda asked with fire in his eyes. I didn't think he would put two and two together and figure that those boys is why I was running but I guess overprotective brothers do that.

"What happened back at the track?" Asked Steve.

"Nothing happened y'all spooked me because I didn't know where y'all went." I lied. They all looked at me like they didn't believe a word I just said but they all nodded. I knew I would pay for lying later. It always seems to follow me. By the time we got back to the house it was 3:30.

"You're more than welcome to stay a while. It's not very safe on the streets." Soda said as we walked into the house.

"That would be great thank you so much." said Amber.

Soda turned to me and opened his mouth to speak. "Well I guess I should get dinner started." I said and walked into the kitchen. I heard the front door open. I could hear Pony and another walk in. The thoughts of what happened today ran through my mind. Why out of all the greasers in my school, that they pick on me. Did I miss something? Did somebody have a news flash for me and I just missed the announcement. I felt a pair of arms wrap around my waist. A kiss was placed upon my neck and a head nuzzled me in the same spot. I froze not knowing what was going on. My mind still wrapped in its own thoughts.

"Babe you alright? What's wrong talk to me." James said as he turned me around to face him. Little to my own knowing I had started to cry. James seen my tears and immediately wrapped me in a tight hug and kissed my head. He knew he didn't have to say anything. Soda walked in and witnessed the scene unraveling before him. One look from James and Soda knew that the situation was under control. Soda decided that it was best to leave the kitchen. I eventually ran out of tears. I leaned back and looked up at James.

"Are you okay now? Do you need to talk or do you need some time?" He asked looking at me.

"Time." was all I said then I started on dinner.

James stayed with me till after dinner was cooked. The rest of our gang showed up as dinner was done. We said grace and ate. As we were eating Darry had taken notice of Amber being there, but he only continued to eat not asking why she was here. Dinner was over and I volunteered to do the dishes. I could hear Darry talking to Amber and the others in the living room. James appeared next to me and started drying the dishes.

"You don't have to help ya know." I said looking at him.

"Yeah well I needed some advice." He said

"Really? What may I help with?"

"You see my girlfriend is really upset right now. She's been hiding all her emotions behind locked doors. She's not really talking to me anymore and I want to know how to ease her pain. Showering her with love isn't seeming to work. She also still hasn't talked to her brother about being fired yet and nearly got the shit beat out of her at the track. So I may also be a little upset with her and I want to tell her that she can't hide behind doors forever."

"Well I'm sorry to hear that." I said and walked out of the kitchen. I could feel everyone's eyes on me as I walked through the living room. I ignored the stares and went straight to my room. I shut the door behind me and locked it. I could feel the tears in my eyes as they start to water.

    James still stood in the kitchen with a dish and dish rag In hand.

"Yo Rocky whacha do to Adrian?" Two-Bit yelled from the living room.

"Stuff a sock in it Two. I'm just doing the dishes." James hollered back.

"Yeah right sure little brother." Steve said walking into the kitchen.

"Ya know what Randle you can stuff a sock in it too." James said frustrated finishing up the last dish.

"Easy tiger just trying to help."

"Well your not so stop." James said walking out of the kitchen and then out of the front door.

    Steve walked out of the kitchen and into the living room.

"What's going on with them? They never fight." said Darry

"I'd say it's trouble in paradise." Two said grinning.

"I'd hate to run off, but I have to find him before he does something stupid." Steve said walking towards the door. "See y'all later." Goodbyes were said and Steve was off to find James.

Darry went to bed. Amber crashed on the couch. Pony went upstairs a while ago to read and Two went home. That left Soda as he walked to Alex's door. He knocked once. Twice. He reached for the door knob only to find it locked. Soda only shook his head and headed to his own bedroom. His only thought was that Darry will break down the door tomorrow.

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