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    "Two-Bit. Alelia. You guys have to hide me please preferably NOW!!" I said as I started freaking out. "Come on I have an idea." said Alelia as she grabbed me and Two-Bit by the arms. Alelia dragged us into the next room quickly. "Catherine. Kimberly. Let's go!" Alelia shouted getting there attention very quickly. They followed us out the door with confused faces. We slipped out the door without anyone noticing. Two-Bit got in the back seat of Alelia's car and Alelia got in the driver seat. "I'll meet guys back at the house when I don't know but I got to go. Plus Darry, Dally,Stev and Soda just showed up." I then got into the passenger seat of Alelia's car and she drove off. "Now I do believe we deserve dome answers. Like how did you know my baby sister,Cat and Alex here?" Two-Bit asked her. "Well first off I used to live here in this neighborhood when I was little and believe it or not Two-Bit you used to be my best friend. I doubt you remember though." Alelia said with a sad face as she drove. I just sat there and listened very closely. "Your right I don't believe you." said Two-Bit. "Look I know that your not gonna believe me either but I'm closer to you than you know." Alelia said as she glanced at me then looked back to the road. "Your right but I want to believe you. Maybe after tonight settles down you can come down to my house we can talk to my other brother Darry about all this. Because it really scares me how much you resemble him." I said to her. "Haha I get that from a lot of people that know him." She said. "Why don't we talk about it now or let's drive to Darry' s house and call them and get this settled tonight." Two-Bit suggested. "Clam your tits Two you sound like a pissed of bumblebee back there." I told him. "All of takes is one phone call to tell your brothers that you were at a party you weren't supposed to be at and  you were drinking something that your not even allowed around." Two-Bit said getting irritated. "Why are you so mad about that?" I asked him. "Because Alex 2nd baby sister and I found you somewhere I never wanted to finds you and drink in something that I didn't want you to know existed. Do you even know half of the stuff that happens at Buck's parties?" Two-Bit asked me with a concerned face. "Yeah drinking and having a good time." I answered. "No thats not even the half of it. Not only do people get drunk there they get kidnapped, raped,and all kinds of stuff that leads to bad things." Two-Bit said explaining to me. "Okay fine then I won't go back if it makes you happy." I said. "Is this your house?" Asked Alelia. "Yeah just pull in by the curb." I told her. Alelia parked the car and we got out. I turned and saw Cat pull in behind us. We walked up to the door and I went to open it but the door was already opening. Ponyboy was standing in the doorway. "Hey Pony my lovely brother who is awesome. I said with a sweet smile. "Get in here now." He said with a stern voice. I walked in with Two-Bit and Alelia behind me. "I think me and Kimi' s just gonna go to the house." Cat said as her and Kimi tried to walk away. "Oh no your not get your butts in here." Two-Bit said in a not very nice way. "Coming big bro." Kimi said as she walked up the stairs with Cat behind her. Me, Alelia and Two-Bit sat on the couch while Cat and Kimi sat in the floor against the wall. Pony sat in Darry' s armchair. "Hey Pony is someone here?" Asked a voice from the kitchen. It turned out to be James. "What do you know the three amigos got caught." James said as he stood in the doorway of the kitchen. "So you didn't have the balls to go because you chickened out." I said. "No sweetheart I actually got busted before I even left the house to come back here because Pony was going to go." James said looking at me. Right then and their
the phone started to bring. "Hello?" Pony answered the phone. We just sat their an  listened. "Yeah she's here and a few others as well." Pony looked at us. "Alright see you in a bit." With that Pony hung up. "Darry said he would be here in about 20 mins." Pony said looking directly at me. "I'm gonna go change so I only get one lecture." I said then walked down the hall to my room. I come back to the living room dressed in ripped blue jeans and one of Soda's old Pepsi cola t-shirt. Darry,Soda and Steve walks  in. I guess Dally stayed at Buck's. You know that feeling when you feel like you being stared down huge crows or something? Yeah that's what Me, Cat and Kimi feel like right now and it sucks. Let's just say all hell breaks loose.
                   Skip lecture - 30 mins latter
"Now the question is who are you?" Darry asked Alelia. But the looks in there eyes I could tell that they already knew. "I'm Alelia Curtis your long lost little sister and your older sister." She said looking at me. I just stood their shocked and lost. I have an older sister that no one ever told me about. Did they not feel like I needed to.know this. "Alexis are you okay?" Alelia asked me.

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