An unexpected problem

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I woke up the next morning to a very quite house. I got dressed in boot cut ripped blue jeans, a white tank top with one of Soda's hoodies i stole, and my black converse. I pulled my hair into a ponytail and walked out of my room. I looked into Soda and Pony's room neither one was there. I walked down the hall to Darry's room and their was no Darry. Man where is everyone I thought to myself. I walked through the living caught a glance of the couch and walked to the kitchen. I turned around walked back into the living room. "Oh My Gosh." I said under my breath. There on the couch cuddled together sleeping was Two-Bit and Alelia. Who would've thought that was goin to happen i thought and just smiled to myself. After I ate breakfast i fixed a cup of chocholate milk and sat in Darry's chair while waitin for the two "lovebirds" to wake up. I waited and waited I finally got tired of waiting so i went and took a shower and got ready for work. I looked at the clock it read 6:50am. Dang nobody usually leaves this house till about 7-8 o'clock. Well i have 30 minutes to get to work. I walked back to my room and grabbed my shoes and put them on. I walked back into the living room and Alelia and Two-Bit was cuddled on the couch watchin Mickey. "Well well well what do we have here." I said as i crossed my arms. They both looked up at me with shocked and embarrassed faces. I just laughed at them. "Don't let Darry catch you, see yall later i'm off to work." I said as I walked out the door. I was half way to work when i finally noticed that someone was following me. I felt like no matter how much faster I walked they walked twice as faster. I turned around very quickly and the person ran smack into me knocking us both over. "Would you quit following me." I said getting up and dusting myself off. I then noticed as they got up that it was Nichole. " Look I just wanted to talk to you about the other day. I'm sorry for screaming at you and punching you in the face. I was just so mad and I don't know what I was thinking at that moment. I should've known better than to come in there dressed like that. Lately I've been doing stupid stuff to try and get Soda's attention but it hasn't worked and after that day and what you said to me i realized that Soda might not even like me at all." Nic said trying to explain her actions. "Look its okay but right now I don't have time to talk i have to get to work." I said as I started walking again. " Can we talk about this later!" She called after me. "If I have time!" I shouted over my shoulder. I reached the diner in a nick of time. "You were cutting it close today." My boss said. "I know sir its just I had a crazy night last night. I just found I had an older sister I never knew about then I woke up this morning late and I found the house empty and I tried to get here as fast as I can. I'm not making this up either if you want I can call and get her to stop by today." I explained quickly so I wouldn't waste his time. "No need today is your last day anyway I will give you your pay at the end of your shift." He said cold heartedly. "No! No you can't do that you know me and my brothers are in a tuff spot and we need all the extra money we can get." I said tears starting to form in my eyes. "That's why I gave you a job concidering that your 15 Alexis, But you were late today so I have to fire you." He said then walked away. No this can't be happening I need this job. What is Darry gonna say oh man. After I got fired I went straight to work. Weird how that worked out huh.

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