The truth comes out

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I just stood their with a blank face. "Alexis, are you okay?" Alelia asked me. "Alexis come on answer her." Darry said as he took a step towards me. "Darry back off." I said with tears starting to form in eyes. I walked towards the door. "I gotta go for a walk to clear my head." I said as I walked out the door. "Alexis wa-." Was all I heard as I shut the door. I walked down the steps and out the front gate. Then took of running towards the park. I didn't even care to pay attention the the pounding footsteps behind me I just ran faster. I reached the park and I fell to my knees and cried. I turned my head just enough to see who was following me it turned out to be Soda. "Alex." He said in a soft voice as he reached me. "Honey it'll be okay." He wrapped his arms around me. I turned and threw my arms around his neck and cried. "Hey what's wrong you always wanted a sister." Soda said trying to comfort me. "I'm not crying because I have a sister it's because Darry hid it from me for so long and it all happened so quickly." I said into Soda's shoulder. "Do you wanna know why nobody said anything about Alelia being your sister. It's because when we were little Me,Alelia,and Darry were outside playing. Mom had just had Pony. We were all so happy and hyper with energy. Me and Darry were throwing the football back and forth. Then we heard a scream we both looked over and saw Alelia reaching for us and screaming our names from this guys arms. He threw her in the truck got in and locked the doors. Me and Dar took off running for the truck but when we got there he spun dirt and gravel at us. Darry took me to the ground and covered me from getting hurt. Just then Dad came out of the house asking us if we were okay and what happened. It all happened so quickly Alex and we searched for weeks after weeks and then later on you were born. No we didn't forget about Alelia and we never gave up hope that one day we would find her." Soda said lookin at me. I looked up at him. "That doesn't mean I didn't have a right to know that I had an older sister, But no ya'll kept it a dang secret! Do you know how much it hurts to know that for 15 years my brothers lied to me!" I yelled at Soda. "Do you know what it's like to watch your twin sister get kidnapped and you know there's nothing you can do about it." He said to me his voice slightly rose but he wasn't yelling. I sat there and just looked at him with a pained expression. "I take that as a no." Soda said. "Come on let's go back to the house before Darry decides to send a search party for us." Soda said getting up and offering me a hand. I took Soda's hand and got up off the ground. I dusted myself off and started walking back to the house. Me and Soda took our time getting back to the house so we could talk more about Alelia and how things were going to change around the house. When we finally got to the house me and Soda walked in the front the door. I guess our party left because it was just Darry and Alelia in the living room. "Where did you go? It took you an awful long time to get back." Darry asked. "I just ran to the park Darry. What took us so long to get back was Soda explained everything and we sat in the park for a little bit then decided to come home." I explained to Darry. "Alelia I'm sorry I ran out like that I know I shouldn't have but I did and I'm sorry." I looked at her. "Look I understand I probably would have done the same thing you did. I know all this happened so quickly and Darry should have told you about me and all, But I think it was best that he didn't." Alelia said to me. "Why would you say that." I asked her. "Think about it Alexis. What would you have done if you knew I was your sister." She asked me. "I would've looked from one end of the earth to the other." I said. "exactly and you would've givin Darry a hard time about it to." She looked at me. I went to say argue but she held her hand up. "We can talk tomorrow because it's almost 1:00am and you need to get up early." Alelia told me as she put her hands on my shoulders. "No I don't." I said. "Yeah you do you have work tomorrow." Darry said butting in. "Okay fine whatever see ya'll tomorrow." I said as I gave Soda,Darry and Alelia a hug. "Goodnight." They said in return. I changed my cloths and crawled into bed. Maybe havin an older sister will be fun. Let's hope she's more like Soda than Darry. I laughed lightly at the thought. I then drifted of to sleep.

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