That didn't go as planed

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About 10 minutes till my last shift was over  James walked in. When my shift was over I  handed in my name tag and left out the door. "Alright what happened today? You seem depressingly upset." James asked as we walked to the DX. "I'd rather wait till we got to the DX." I said not even looking at him. "Come on tell me." He begged. "I got fired." I mumbled. "What?" "I got fired." I said it more clearly that time. "Why did you get fired?" James asked. "I don't know apparently i was cutting it close to being late so he fired me." I explained. "That's ridiculous." said James. "Doesn't matter. I'm not goin to tell Darry till I get another job." I said as the DX came into sight. Before James could respond I turned to him and said "Don't you dare say a word to Darry." I then walked into the DX. James just sighed and walked in after me. "Hello anybody here?!" i called. "Yeah were in the back!" Steve hollered. Me and James walked to the back. I think these boys have supernatural senses. "Hey Alex, what's wrong?" Soda asks almost instantly. "Yeah Alex you seem a little upset. Did something happen?" Steve asked. "No I'm fine." I said. "If you say so." said Soda. I know he'll pester me about it later. "Do ya'll need an extra pair of hands around here." I asked. "Why did you lose your job?" asked Steve. "No i just thought i could get a second job to make some extra money." I said shrugging my shoulders. *Cough cough* I turned to look at James "Got something you wanna say?" I asked him. He raised his hands in defeat "I love you." He said. "Yeah sure you do." I said as I stormed out of the back and headed towards the door. "Frick." James mumbled to himself. "Alex wait come on now wait." He said coming after me. Soda and Steve raised their eyebrows at each other. They walked to the door between the store and the garage and watched. I stopped just at the store door and turned around. "Wha-" I was cut of by a kiss and a hug from James. "I'm sorry but you need to tell them at least since your going to try to get a job here. Plus you said not to tell Darry you never said not to tell Soda and Steve." said James. "They usually fall into that categorey James." I said. "Tell us what?" asked Soda as him and Steve walked towards us. "Nothing." I said taking off out the door and I ran the whole way home. After I got home I made dinner. I made Hamburgers with fries. I ate then put the rest in the oven and wrote a note saying where the food was on the table. I walked upstairs to my room. I locked my door and laid down in bed trying to think of what I'm going to tell the gang if they see me walking around town. I guess I fell asleep thinking because i woke up to banging on my door. "Alexis open this door now!" yelled Darry. I scrambled out of bed and opened that door faster than a russian race horse. "Don't break my door down Dar." I said. "Why the hell is your door locked and why didn't you answer me!" He yelled furious. "What do you mean answer you?" I asked completely confused. "I called you from downstairs then i came up here to find your door locked.What are you doing in there?" Darry asked me. "Oh I was sleeping. Sorry Darbear." I said using his nickname. "It's okay but you know I don't like locked doors." He said looking down at me. "Yeah i know but i was home alone and i didn't want no body walkin in." I said. "Well the reason i called you was because Alelia wanted to talk to you." He said as he went to walk away but stopped and said "Is there something going on between her and two-bit?" Darry asked me. "Yeah I found them on the couch this morning cuddled together." I answered him. "I'll have to look into that then." He said with a smile then walked downstairs.
Authors note - sorry for the late update guys been having a little bit of writers block. Feel free to give me some ideas I'll try to use them.

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