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"Gosh she's taking forever down there, Do you think there on to us?" Said Kimi pacing the room back and forth.

"Would you please sit down your starting to make me nervous." I said from my spot on Cat's bed waiting for Cat to back with news as of why Soda and Steve haven't left yet.

5 minutes later
"Guys I have some bad news." Cat said comin in to the room.

"Well what is it spit it out." Kimi said getting impatient.

"Steve and Soda aren't goin to the football game." said Cat.

Wait your telling me that's Steve didn't know we were goin, Cat!" I yelled.

"Hush dumb-nut Steve will hear." She hushed me.

"We are still going to that party right?" asked Kimi.

"Hold on Kimi, Cat you said he was okay with it." I said.

" Yeah I said a lot of things about my brother being okay with things. What about Darry and Soda do they know?" Cat asked me.

"If Darry knew I wouldn't be here and yeah Soda knows thanks to your loud mouth when you walked into the DX today." I said.

"Oh sorry bout that." Cat said with a sigh.

"Hello are we still going? I don't look this good for nothing." Kimi said waving her hands in front of us.

"Yes Kimi we are." I said with a confident face.

"We are?" Asked Cat.

"Yeah here's the plan." So I begin explaining the plan. We are goin to use Cat to distract and get money from Steve. Then Kimi and Me are goin to walk out the door and cat would be behind us with the cash she got from Steve. If we get out the door and in Cat's car we are we're home free.

"Hey Steve...." Cat said as she walked into the kitchen.

"Come on." I said as we are asked out the door with cat behind us. We got into Cat's car.

"My plans almost never go right." I said as Cat pulled out of the driveway.

"Maybe this time you had some luck in your side." Kimi said from the back seat.

"Not likely. Luck don't like me remember all the times I got in trouble and I wished I had luck especially when Darry was on my tail." I said.

"You do have a point." said Kimi.

"I usually do." I said. we were silent the rest of the way.

15 minutes later
"We're here girls." said Cat as she pulled in.

"Finally were here thank God." Kimi said as we all laughed. We got out and walked inside it was like transferring worlds. From the quite sounds of nature to the loud sounds of music and people.

"We meet back here by 1:00 sharp got it?" I asked them both.

"Yeah yeah I gotcha Alex but right now I have some investigating to do." Kimi said as she walked after a hot guy.

"Great we lost her for the night." Cat said watching as our best friend flirt and drink away.

"Go have fun Cat." I said as I laughed. I went to bar to get a beer.

"What do ya want." The bartender asked me.

"Budlight please." I said to him.

"You look a little young to be drinkin miss." He said to me.

"Oh I know but it's for my boyfriend he's 21." I lied to him hoping he believed me. Little did I know that the bartender was good friends with Darry.

"Sure here ya go miss." He said as he handed me the opened beer.

"Thank you." was all I said. I walked away and toward a table I felt a tap on my shoulder. I turned to see who it was and I froze.

"Oh crap." I said as I looked from the beer in my hand to the one and only Two-Bit Matthews. I knew from that point I was done with. "What the hell are you doing with that in your hand and why the hell are you here?!" Two-Bit asked getting madder by the second.

"She's with me." I turned around to find a girl I've never seen in my life though I felt like I've known her since the day I was born. She looked a lot like Darry. She had brown hair that went to her shoulders, pale ice blue eyes, and maybe an inch taller than me. She kinda looked like a younger version of my mom. "Who are you exactly?" asked Two-Bit. "I'm Alelia, What's your name?" Alelia asked as she stuck out her hand to him.

"The names Two-Bit." He said as he shook her hand. Then out of all people Darry and Dally walk in with Soda and Steve behind them. I knew right then and there all hell was going to break loose. I knew there was was a catch to my plan working on the way over here.

Life for Alexis Hope CurtisWhere stories live. Discover now