Chapter 2 Oh boy!

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Never in my life did I expect to see what I saw. My best friend had walked into the DX. Her name is Brittany Nichole Winston (But we call her Nichole or Nic for short.) She was wearing her hair down with a skirt and high heels. She never wears her hair down or a skirt and heels let alone touch them.

"Hey Alexis! Hey James!" Nic said as she walked towards the counter.

"Hey Nic uhh are you okay?" I asked while I gave her a worried look.

"Yeah why wouldn't I be?" Nic asked.

"Because of what your wearing." I said shocked.

"Well a girl can change her style if she wants to." Nic said annoyed.

"If you say so." I said unsure.

"By any chance is Soda around?" She asked looking around the store.

"If your wearing that to get Soda's attention than your more stupid than I thought." I said. I was getting beyond frustrated with Nichole.

"Well who cares what you think Alexis." Nic said as she got mad and stormed out the door. Steve came in from the back to see if everything was okay.

"Who was that?" He asked.

"Little Winston, I'll be back." I said walking out the door. I ran after Nic and found her a couple blocks away.

"Nic!" I screamed as I came from behind her.

"Nic answer me!!" "Brittany Nichole Winston look at me!" I screamed that last time. The next thing I knew was that a fist collided with my face and I was in the ground.

"Don't you ever call me by that name EVER! If I ignore you that usually means leave me the hell alone." Nic yelled at me then started walking again.

   I got up and walked back toward the DX. When I got there I walked through the doors and ran straight into someone. I immediately apologized

"Sorry I wasn't watching were I was going." I said as I looked up. "Uh oh." was all I said as I realized that the person I ran into was Darry. Here I was standing of front of Darry with a bloody nose. Now that's just asking for trouble. "I'm scared to ask but what happened to your face." Darry asked concern in his voice and face. "Nic." I said with an annoyed face. I looked over at Soda,Steve, and James who were walking mine and Darry's way.

"Oh really what happens this time?" Soda asked with a little bit of interest and took a sip of his Coke.

"She was wear her hair down and a skirt." I said.

"That's okay I don't see a problem with that." said Steve. "Bro she was wearing heels." James said then draped an arm around me. Soda then spit coke everywhere.

" She was wearing what?!" Soda exclaimed as he wiped his mouth off.

"You heard me." James said.

"What was she wearing that for?" Steve asked.

"Why do you think she was trying to empress Soda here." I said as I pointed at my brother.

"Why me?" He asked

"Are you that dumb even I noticed." Darry said shocked.

"Don't tell me that she likes me." Soda said.

"Ding ding we have a winner." I said in the most sarcastic voice ever.

"Dally is gonna kill me." Soda said.

"Well you can have fun figuring this out because I have dinner to cook. Come on James. I said waking out the door. "Coming master." I heard James behind me.

"Don't get cocky Randle I'm the one cooking dinner tonight." I said.

"I know but you have to feed me cause I'm your ride to the party." He said as he slipped his hand into mine.

"What party?" I asked as I started to get worried.

"The party I'm taking you to tonight. Don't worry Steve and Soda won't be there at least they shouldn't be." he said.

"Okay but Darry's not goin to let me go." I said.

"Darry's not gonna know because I'm sneaking you out tonight." James said as we crossed into our street.

"How he watches me like a hawk if you haven't noticed." I said as we reached the house.

"Cause your "spending the night" with Cat." He said as he did quotation marks.

"Your gonna get me in trouble one of these days, but who's party?" I asked as I went to the kitchen.

"Buck's." he said. That was one of Darry's #1 rules do not step foot in Buck's house.

"Wait I thought you said Soda and Steve weren't gonna be there?" I said getting chicken out of the fridge that finally thawed.

"There not." He said as he helped me get the chicken ready.

"But they always got Buck's parties." I said.

"Yes very true but not tonight. I set them up to go to the football game." James said as he handed me the lemon pepper seasoning.

"Thanks and are you sure this is goin to work?" I asked him.

"It should most definitely work." he reassured me with a smile.

"Alrighty then." I said as I put the chicken in the oven. I put some mashed potatoes and green beans on the stove. Me and James went in the living room and sat on the coach and continued to talk about tonight's plans.

"Oh Boy what a night this is goin to be." I thought.

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