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The next morning was something different. Darry is always the first one up. He would have breakfast cooked and waiting. Darry woke that morning and got ready for work. He walked into the kitchen to cook, but only to find breakfast was already on the table. There on the table laid a note.

               I had some things to do before school. Enjoy breakfast!

                                                       Love, Alex

"Wow Darry your on the ball today aren't you?" asked Pony.

"I didn't cook. Alex did." said Darry.

"Where is Alex anyway?" Soda asked coming in.

"Apparently she had some things to take care of." Darry said showing them the note.

"Yeah well anyway, can I be completely honest?" Asked Soda as looked at his brothers.

"What's up?" Asked Darry.

"Has Alex seemed any different to you?" Soda asked.

"A little, but I thought it was because her and James have been fighting." said Darry.

"Or maybe Aunt Flow is back?" Said Pony

Both Darry and Soda just looked at him.

"Ya know what. I think I'm just going to go to school. See y'all later." Pony said and walked out the door.

"We'll talk about this later. We both have to get to work." Darry said he grabbed he tool belt and headed for the door.

Soda stood in the kitchen for a fraction longer than needed. 'What if we don't have a later?' he thought.


Alex had an hour left before she had to be at school. She walked down the street in town in a hurried pace looking for help wanted signs. 

"Hey kid!" A voice shouted from behind her. She was too focused on my own thoughts that she did not realize a person was behind her. Alex felt someone grab her by the arm and turn her to face them. She started to panic until she seen it was only Two-Bit.

" Hey Two, What are you doing here?" Alex had asked

" Nothing really I was on my way to your place, but then I seen you by yourself. So I thought it might be best if I stayed with you."

" That's kind of you, but I'm good thanks." Alex started to walk away, but Two grabbed her arm once again.

" Listen I don't know what has gotten into you lately but this isn't you. Your being so distant as if your trying to float away. Well that's not gonna happen especially not on my watch. You got fired so what it happens. Take time off of a job and go to school. Soda and Darry have the working part  covered. James is a mess because of all this distance and not talking. Trust me that boy loves you. Last night he was willing to go into Soc territory for you to take names and kick ass. Get you head out of your ass and look around you. You have a family, one that cares for you. They are there for a reason and that is to help you and be there for you when there is problems that you can not handle alone." Two said as he pulled me into a hug. "Now what do you say we go to school to learn something."

"Two-Bit you've already graduated."

"That's right I did. Well I shall stay with my lady until they kick me out."

"Well then we shall get started on our journey kind sir."


It didn't take the school long to kick Two out. He did make a lot of sense earlier. I had managed to leave class a few minutes early to go the football field to run the track. It never fails that there is always something waiting to happen. I had changed into some extra clothes and started running the track. I should focus more on school and those around me. Now that I think about it these past few weeks have been a mess. I have forgotten my friends. Brittany, Cat,  Kimi, and even my new found sister Alelia. Something about Alelia still strikes me uneasy. Almost as if is a figure of my imagination. The uneasy feeling grew as I realized Richard and his posse were there waiting for me. I looked for an opening and thought I could make it. I ran faster going for it only to be grabbed and thrown to the ground.

Life for Alexis Hope CurtisWhere stories live. Discover now