Body Dysphoria

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A man dressed in black and white, wearing a ring-shaped elongated plastic vizor over his eyes and of slick, brown hair pulled out a decorated plastic card from his inner pocket. The card let out a noisy pop and produced a postal parcel that fell straight into his hands. Ducking and weaving out of the way of the instantly erupted chaos of his surroundings, the shady spy ripped the parcel apart and pulled out a steel frame tube with triggers and gears rolling up and down and littered with a cascade of lights.

Upon seeing a potential opening reveal itself as the Sky Warriors of the Sky Country took it above the arena, each spreading their muscular arms and revealing capes made of bird feathers that stuck together into gliding capes with the help of a chakra layer coating them, the formally dressed spy took aim at a female Sky Warrior with white feathers and a notable spiky braid sticking out the front of her head, almost like a horn.

Four rods split from the frame of the weapon, emitting discharges of neon blue energy particles as they built up toward the front. A bright blue particle beam arrowed through the sky in an instant, making those brawling around the spy tuck their heads from the noise and the destructive nature of the weapon being employed. The white-feathered female Sky Warrior swooped to the side, elegantly deflecting the brunt of the particle beam that brushed against her wing and then waving her cloak-like wings to elude it when the spy navigated his weapon to chase his target around the sky.

"Ganetta, are you alright?" a warrior with a falcon-shaped helmet and variegated brown ailerons covering most of his body and keeping him in the sky closed up to his comrade while the two eluded the sky-piercing particle beam together by rolling to the opposite sides. The woman wearing white feathers took a swooping plunge down and flipped the heavily armed spy off his feet in a blink with a pitch-point accurate aerial assault before correcting herself in mid-air and preparing for another charge.

With his heavy weaponry falling out from his arms and rolling off to the side somewhere, the spy slipped his hand inside his black coat's inner pocket to pull out a kunai dispenser that was armed with shuriken. Quickly, the spy slipped a scroll from his pocket into an opening in his handheld dispenser onto the side which burst with electrical currents and coated the shuriken that his dispenser shot with a Lightning Release coating.

The arcing lightning bolts connected into an electrical net that surged through the separate shuriken projectiles, creating an obstacle field for the swooping Sky Warrior but the daredevil woman plunged and navigated throughout it nevertheless, swooping from the side instead of plunging straight down as she intended. A surge of charka coating resonated through the woman's entire body as her blond hair appeared to come alive and form into an aerodynamic javelin spike. Once the Sky Warrior had navigated around the electrical network, she slammed straight into the ground, causing a wicked whirlwind to rise around her.

The spy coughed up blood, having found himself impaled on the hardened hair construct. Each strand as hard as the toughest steel alloys and all of them working together made a nigh impenetrable spear that'd pierce through water, stone, or steel alike. The grounded Ganetta yanked her head about, slinging the impaled spy aside while her hair rested back into its original shape. At the same time, the Sky Warrior kicked off to take flight again and grab the armed spy that targeted her first. Bleeding from the wound in his gut, the spy pulled his gloves tighter and set off the tasers present in the gloves that made Ganetta yell out in pain and release him before she could elevate him too high up.

The spy pulled out a handheld dispenser-like device from another inner pocket of his coat and shot out a hook that wrapped around Ganetta's foot as he swung and landed on the ground safely, gaining limited control over his target. Pulling out another handheld gadget from his side pocket, the spy flung it like a stone cast to bounce across the lake's surface, narrowly missing the hectic brawl around him as it landed outside the arena's borders. The gadget rooted into the ground with mechanical legs and activated a reeling mechanism that sent tasing jolts while reeling the target down to the ground which promptly made Ganetta crash into the ground and left her twitching senseless as jolts continued to signal her numbed muscles.

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