About Putting A Ninja On The Moon

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"We could just jump to the moon..." Mana shrugged. "I've done it once."

"I suppose the moon would be a single good dash away. Without having to worry about interception or traps high in the atmosphere, we could pull it off if we time it right." Damisan scratched his head deep in thought, accidentally releasing the tied cloth that covered his face and fumbling over himself to wrap it back on.

"That's too dangerous," Shige-H shut the idea down. "If one of us misses the leap, they'll end up floating in the atmosphere and if they overdo it, they'll shatter the moon for everybody."

"Not to mention the crucial flaw with this idea." Skaven stared at the bent grass circle, slowly walking around and examining its complicated pattern. "What type of energy do you think may have caused it?"

"What are you talking about? It's clearly a landing pad..." Endo turned his eyes away with an indifferent scowl. Seething that the Nara would talk down to them this way.

"Exactly. Think about it, they didn't just land here and wander around the place looking. They hit us and ran. That means they can survey the area from up there and hit us with pinpoint accuracy. They can choose the place for landing with enough precision to snag up what they need and begone." Skaven pointed out, spreading his hands out while wandering around the field.

"They didn't get it right though." Damisan pointed out. "Isn't this a bit weirdly shaped for a landing pad? Almost like it's made of two circles rubbing close together."

"That's right." Mana snapped her fingers. "They must use some sort of beam of energy, like a stable ethereal bridge for transportation. They beamed it down the first time but missed their target by a step or two, so they shot again to get it right the second time."

"That seems to be the most likely course of events here..." Shige-H scratched her chin, confirming the theory with a nod.

"Humph. What a bunch of losers, all that planning, all those fancy powers and technology, and they missed. Big fat good that bridge of theirs is if you can hit the jackpot better by just jumping over..." Endo sneered with a mocking smirk. "Still, that leaves us with the same problem–how the heck do we get to the moon if we don't jump over?"

"Why can't we still jump, though?" Damisan wondered.

"Because of the same reason we don't instantly snap to our target location–if we're aware the enemy might be scouting the place and preparing traps–we risk running right into them," Mana replied.

"Right, we'd be screwed if we ran into traps in the atmosphere..." Damisan breathed out a few times in something resembling a pitiful cackle. "Maybe I could build us a puppet armor to fly all the way to space?"

"Don't your inventions usually end up blowing up or breaking?" Endo asked.

"Only because I blow them up..." Damisan shrugged.

"It might take too long." Shige-H shook her head. "We don't know what the Sky Clan if indeed it is the Sky Clan that's doing this, want with these people. Let's run through all of our options first. If we have no other choice, we'll trust Damisan to tinker us a rocket vessel."

"We could ask someone who knows." Mana turned her eyes up, scanning her teammates with a look that's hopeful and only a tad crazy.

"I thought you said this is the first time that the Sky Clan and Earth Clan would collide?" Shige-H placed her hands on her hips.

"In our universe, anyway..." Mana's lips stretched out, showing off her whites as her cheeks felt an influx of blood washing over them and becoming stuck as they formed hard pillows.

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