Of The Hardcore Principles of Friendship

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"Earth Release: Earthquake Slam!" Baiso grunted, slamming his open palm into the ground and rumbling the ground beneath his feet as the pent-up tension forced the ground to erupt with a jet of pressurized force that continued to split the ground as it raced toward Endo, causing violent earthquakes that made avoiding the rushing force that much more problematic.

Endo focused his chakra into the soles of his feet, propelling him into a great height up and over the rushing jutsu and the ravaging quakes as he tossed his two fractured blades up to free his arms for hand seals. Endo was not the type of ninja to employ ninjutsu often, preferring to punish his opponent with his blade rather than fight like a ninja, though given how his bruiser of an opponent just employed a powerful ninjutsu technique, it was up to him to follow that up accordingly.

"Wind Release: Great Breakthrough!" Endo yelled out, blowing out a powerful wave of air from his lungs that was meant to crash into Baiso and grind him with the stone that was underneath his feet though the enemy was surprisingly tough. The misfit brute just raised his hand up and pushed through the oncoming gust, remaining on his feet and stone-walling Endo's attack.

With a falling kick to Baiso's rocker, Endo shook the giant and left him on wobbly feet as the Allied Ninja recruit then reached out with his hands only for his separated blades to land into them at the right time for him to begin his sadistic dance around the enemy, slashing and dashing past him with his blades in hand, utilizing both the strength of his entire body when he swung but also the building up force of acceleration as he moved around the battlefield to prevent Baiso from pinning him down. The brawler growled and grunted as his measly black bodysuit parted and split, sinking in squirts of blood where Endo managed to get past his wobbly defenses.

The pain must have only aggravated it all. Baiso charged with his shoulder put up and blasted Endo onto the ground. A burning sensation filled the young man's lungs and escalated throughout his body as a visual inspection revealed a bloody trail where his body skid across the hardened cement as a signifier that his chakra augmentations were beginning to fail and he would take more damage to his body from subsequent attacks than he'd want to take ideally.

"Whole 'nother class, runt!" Baiso snarled as he punched his own open palm. Even with all the shiners he took from Endo, with all of the apprentice samurai's attempts at putting him down and working with his broken weapon, it only seemed to drive Baiso more insane in the end. This one wasn't much for technical prowess but he was an abominable physical juggernaut.

"Wind Release: Storm's Grip!" Endo grunted, weaved a single hand seal, and extending his hands out while he blew air from his lungs. As the current of air passed the triangle formed with his index and middle fingers as well as his thumb, it became a powerful force of gale that picked even the burly Baiso off his feet and lifted him up into the air, surrounding him entirely in a perpetual cyclone that seemed to leave the fearsome brute clawing at the air and his own throat as the gale prison began feeding on the oxygen within Baiso's lungs to sustain itself longer.

Baiso smashed both of his fists against his chest, popping the Storm's Grip like a bubble as he plummeted to the ground wheezing for air. In his bloodshot eyes, it was easy to make out that the brawler wanted nothing less than to tear the apprentice samurai apart with his bare hands but with all of his air being sucked out of his lungs he could no longer breathe.

With a crazed grunt, Endo flung his two blades spinning at his opponent while he rushed toward him to engage him with his bare hands. Baiso jumped back, covering the entirety of their battlefield arena in the process due to unnatural bulk and power, focused in his lower body before the burly brute launched himself across the entirety of the open prison ground with a spinning kick again, shooting right at Endo's chest and sending him flying into the far-off makeshift prison facility with enough pent-up energy to blast a pillar of a pressurized shockwave through the building's roof upon Endo's entry.

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