The Secret of the Immortals

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A handful of identical-looking Immortals began cornering Kai from the handful of spies that seek to make a spy haven out of the liberated Agbarah Sheikhate. No matter where the spy dressed in black turned, there was a masked Immortal covering his way. From the looks of it, Kai didn't seem to hold a grudge against the oppressive campaign of the Immortals to eliminate him, since he had sustained his own fair share of bruises when fighting against the Sky Warrior Ganetta earlier.

"The Immortals seem dead-set on eliminating Kai, one of the spies, from the competition. However, it appears that Kai still has more than a few tricks in the book!" the announcer declared, directing the audience's attention to the complicated web of Immortals that were cornering Kai. Kai tried fending off the reckless Immortals by skewering them with a kunai barrage fired from the dispenser that he had concealed behind his black coat, but it didn't seem to do enough.

Kai's glare sharpened with intense focus as he noticed that the Immortals he had littered with kunai fired from his dispenser lost themselves in the chaos of the rumble in the arena and re-appeared a few moments later with no kunai sticking out of them and no signs that they had ever been there, to begin with. Not finding much success and approaching the limit of how many kunai his dispenser could fire before running out, Kai began using his dispenser as a weapon to block or redirect scimitar swings.

"This is where the field experience of Kai the Spy kicks in! Witness how skillfully the veteran spy navigates a hostile environment full of enemies!" the announcer did his job in telling the audience exactly what to look for and what to gawk at. Just as he had mentioned before, Kai navigated the group of Immortals looking to cut him down by slipping in between different soldiers and positioning himself with peerless battlefield intelligence. There was always another Immortal in one's way, at no time did it seem favorable for them to start swinging their sword wildly and Kai was slipping, dashing, and rolling around the group.

Unnoticed, Kai had slipped out the card from the lapel of his coat and drowned the surrounding area in smoke. The Immortals backed off for just a second before a jolt of lightning went off from the smoke and socked an Immortal straight to the chest, stunning it and sending the Immortal slamming against the protective wall outside the arena's boundaries. The announcer raised his hand to announce the elimination of an Immortal soldier, but then, after doing the elementary headcount, he sighed.

"Just what the heck is going on? This is yet another Immortal soldier that's been eliminated, yet the number of Immortals fighting in the arena is still ten!" the announcer scratched his head. "It seems like the Immortals are living up to their reputation, even when a member of their elite troupe is eliminated, there always remains ten of them at all times!"

The surprising lack of progress made Kai take the defensive role again, as this time they forced him to use his strongest gadget as a weapon and fend off scimitar swings using it. This couldn't have boded well for the complex lightning-spitting steel tube. Just as an Immortal might have landed a nasty blow, his scimitar met something solid and metallic and emanated with a loud clang that made the hectic sword fighting cease. The corner of the arena where Kai the Spy was struggling against all ten of the Immortals became silent enough to hear quiet taps of a bare foot that stepped in between Kai and his opponent.

"Who are you?" Kai asked with a husky tone of the muscular and nigh bare man of baggy white trousers and decorated golden belts wrapping around his tall and muscular bare frame. While the bottom of the man's curly black hair stuck out and ran down his back past the shoulders, most of them were fitted inside of a massive golden headdress with spiky horns sticking out to the sides and decorated with shiny jewels. The man had the signature curled mustache of the Salvari monks, his resembled an upwardly curved shape of the crescent moon.

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