Hero Man and Guard Woman

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A colorful Sky Warrior held himself clenched to the side of the ridge separating the two halves of the arena, with a trench in between. He wore a stone mask underneath a red hooded cloak that was made entirely out of feathers. Scattered in between the red were decorative feathers of various colors. Similarly to some of his peers, this Sky Warrior held on using brass claws attached to his feet while his forearms showed off massive pincer-like gauntlets.

"Brave Sky Warrior, I am Guard Woman. I've seen many impressive feats of agility and skill from your peers. I would like to challenge you to a fight!" a tall and burly woman clad in showy armor and donning a Pegasus-shaped decoration on the strongest and densest chest plate of her armor proclaimed. The impressive build of this woman suggested that she'd have been able to pull people out of cave-ins and hold back mudslides with ease.

Giving the bold Earth Country woman who belonged to the group of superheroes a look, the colorful Sky Warrior burst into high-pitched laughter. Given how this behavior was nothing like the heroine expected her opponent to act, she leaned her head to the side with curiosity boiling inside her about what prompted such a reaction. Until now, all Sky Warriors held themselves together as stoic and ruthless fighters, yet this one bawled like a jester.

"It shows how green you are at this whole fighting thing, superhero. You don't ask for permission, you just attack!" the colorful Sky Warrior mocked his opponent, leaning down by his tucking his knees and opening up the impressive clobbering pincers. The oddball Sky Warrior seemed ready to strike. Taking a leap, the colorful warrior glided across the arena with his pincers and brass claws pointing down. Hindered by the wide glide of her opponent, the superheroine had to push and shove through bustling crowds of rowdy warriors to find him again.

The constant distraction of her airborne opponent led the superheroine straight into something rock-solid and hard. Despite her stoutness and physical strength, the brawny woman bumped into something massive and inhuman and got forced on her rear. Once she shook her head and examined what she bumped into, she realized it was one of the Cursed Warriors, comprised entirely out of obsidian and shaped like a bipedal, four-armed dragon with a glowing network of red flames glowing through the cracks in its exterior decorating the titan. Unlike some of its peers, this Cursed Warrior had fingers and toes, they were made entirely out of ruby though as if sculpted that way. The same was the case with its goat-like curled horns that gleamed ruby-red on its head.

"I apologize, I was following my opponent and I appear to have..." the superheroine attempted to excuse herself when the titanic bipedal dragon turned toward her. The ring-shaped mosaic decorating its facial plate lit up with intense red flames that soon engulfed the dragon's entire body. Winding up its fist, the Cursed Warrior brought it down at the naïve superheroine, forcing her to dash on her back foot and evade the smash.

The erupting force split the entire half of the arena where the battle was taking place, devastating the arena grounds with cracks and ruptures from which jets of red flames erupted. The innocent superheroine grunted in pain as the flames brushed against her armored front and tossed her backward, covered with minor burns and bruises. Having dealt with the pesky attacker and lost her track, the Cursed Warrior returned to battle.

Cackling in mid-air and curling himself into a ball from how hilarious he found the prank he pulled on the pesky heroine, the colorful Sky Warrior vaulted over and rolled to the side to return to the mountainous ridge he could grip onto and wait this hectic brawl out until fewer competitors remained. With a snap, a steel wire looped around his foot and the aerial warrior felt a massive weight dragging him down to the heat of the battle, where he wanted to be the least. With a swift and precise eyesight that all Sky Warriors were proud of, the birdman's eye locked upon Guard Woman having tied his leg up and chuckling through painful winces.

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