Answers That Come With A Question Mark

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Endo let out a battle cry from the depths of his lungs before rushing at his opponent. He hadn't seen much of his skill but the fact that he wielded such an impressive weapon and blocked his previous attack while still attempting to fool him suggested that he wasn't an opponent to fool around with. Not to mention the fact that he managed to kill an Allied Ninja without raising much noise at all.

Endo's sword crashed into the old man's sword of pure lightning that ignited just in time to block the rushing strikes of the samurai apprentice. Shitaka's murderer took it on the defensive as even with a single blade Endo's swordsmanship was aggressive and tended to dictate the pace in most engagements that the young man found himself in. Still, there was something suspicious in how this killer just backed up, keeping up with Endo's steps forward with matching pacing backwards. His sword moved with a controlled pace, it was just where it needed to be to defend himself, and even though he didn't rush it – neither did he tag Endo. Not even once.

"What's the matter, murderer?" Endo growled as his sword sunk to the ground alongside his entire upper body while he panted, struggling to raise it back up. "Here I thought you looked so eager to kill..."

"I must admit, your swordsmanship is impressive. Who was your master?" the old man wondered, retracting his lightning sword back to its ancient-looking hilt again and moving his hand inside of his kimono to remove a scroll and open it right in front of Endo. As Shitaka's murderer unveiled the scroll, it popped, releasing a cloud of smoke and revealing a crossed, scissor-like construction.

If only Endo had a bit more energy left, he could have rushed at this bastard right as he was switching his active weapon. Damn it. Why did he even need to do that in the first place? Endo didn't notice any faults in the weapon, it didn't look like igniting it and wielding it tired out this man at all. If anything, it was Endo who was tiring himself out, swinging at impeccable and well-timed blocks.

"Gozen of the Four God Swords," Endo replied. He hated the idea of humoring this man but he hated the thought of getting impaled or his head chopped off because he's short of breath and can't offer anything but his very best when their swords once again collide.

"I see, how is the old grouch these days?" the old man wondered.

"You mean you've met him!? Who the hell are you!?" Endo's eyes went blank, realizing that his greatest advantage might have been less and less notable if this man had ever trained with his old master.

"Boy, I've met everyone that's anyone in this world at one point or another. Fought most of them too. For Gozen's own sake, or maybe my own, he was not my contract when we crossed swords..." the old samurai pointed and opened up his inter-connected scissor sword in preparation to attack Endo. The apprentice samurai lowered his sword, pointing its tip at the ground as he reached over his sword-wielding wrist with the other hand to achieve the perfect balance for his swordsmanship technique.

"Oh... That pose. Don't tell me you've mastered Gozen's training? That would make you the first and only one. To be perfectly frank, his God Sword: Kagutsuchi would fold even me..." for the first time there was emotion in the voice of Shitaka's murderer. Whether it was fear or some strange spinoff of respect, it was impossible to say at the time.

"Why don't you come and find out?" Endo taunted his opponent. He might have revealed his hand. It was as if this old man saw right through him and just speaking up about this topic revealed the truth to him – Endo had flunked all attempts at learning Kagutsuchi. This time it was Endo feeling worried.

The moss-colored kimono that the old man donned flapped in the wind as he took off. His exotic scissor sword seemed deadly even if a master swordsman wasn't holding it. When opened, the range of the sword's clipping reach seemed ungodly. Endo's heart remained still as he closed his eyes. Seeing the oncoming death reaching out to him with her cold, sharp claws only distracted him and he needed a calm mind for his technique. Once Endo's eyes shot open once more, the core of the open scissors was already coming in on his throat.

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