No More Strings Attached

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Mana really didn't have to spend that much time in that random clothing store that she used as an excuse to withdraw from her best friend. Then again, clothing stores were the only place where Meiko would never look for you or join you so, in this case, the establishment had one additional reason for existence on top of its designated one.

It wasn't like spending time inside was all that pleasant, to begin with. Mothers guided their children away from sections which Mana acted interested in and the clerk kept giving the kunoichi the worried eyes that one stared at a person who was notorious shoplifter when they entered your store. While the woman had no reason to expect Mana to snag anything, she had plenty to think that the magician would start devouring orphans or engaging in blood rituals in the middle of the store, or whatever the villagers thought that she did for fun these days.

It was time to scram, to say that Mana had overstayed her welcome inside that store was assuming that she was welcome at some point at all. While colorful and flashy was definitely in season this year, all of the hung collections just whizzed past Mana as she rushed down the isles before a clack against the hardwood floor halted her progress.

A bright flare caught Mana's eye but by that time it was too late. A fiery tendril that appeared from a tattoo of a chain-like pattern decorating the arm of a tall, green-haired woman wrapped around Mana and restrained her in place. Another clack against hardwood came from behind but the fiery coil had the magician in too good of a bind for her to turn her head and acknowledge the existence of another kunoichi. Most of Mana's chakra went into not letting the flaming binds inflict too severe burns on her body. Mana disliked using chakra augmentation but when she got caught off-guard things couldn't have been helped.

These two were good. Mana had sensed their chakra signatures this whole time but there was nothing notable about a pair of ninja inside a ninja village. There was nothing significant or notable about their chakra, no definitive characteristic or trait to give their chakra signature any discernible color or feel. These two were just doing their jobs, whatever that was.

No headbands – no allegiances beside whoever paid them, no doubt. Time appeared to have slowed down, Mana knew that the second one would be going in for the kill. If that was indeed what these two were after. The first one's ability was flashy, even if the two were surprisingly quiet and subtle in their approach, managing to subdue Mana without alerting any civilians or the clerk present in the store. Striking just when Mana had been at the right angle so that their move wouldn't be seen.

It would not be the first one to finish her off. She was effective but too flashy. The green-haired one had already shown off her hand and it held an affinity for Fire Release ninjutsu and sealing combination. This was no common chain of fire, it had some sealing, dampening qualities to it. Mana could feel it, both her physical and mental strength sapping though she had plenty to spare so she'd not be begging for the coup de grace any time soon.

A press against Mana's back, not a sharp one, and not a drop of blood accompanied it. It was just a touch, though what worried the magician more was what remained after the hand moved away from her. It was an all too familiar "love tap" to anyone hanging around ninja circles. It was abhorrent to consider that the pair considered to blow Mana up in the middle of the store with unaware civilians. Just who sent these guys? It couldn't have been the Hokage, Lord Seventh, if he had any use in disposing of Mana, would have just sent her out on a perilous mission and made sure that she didn't defy those odds.

That was, after all, historically, the preferred method for village leaders of disposing of troublesome figures within their own ranks.

"The Diamond Hand is not done with you yet, Konoha's Sorceress. You might have left Jigoku, but today is the day you curse spiting the Middle Ring," a blue-haired kunoichi appeared from behind, revealing her face to Mana as she pressed her hand to the magician's mouth. "You did well by not screaming. There's no reason to drag all those civilians down with you, is there?"

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