In Search Of Shura

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"You wanted to see me, King?" Mana kneeled in front of the plump figure of Getsugakure royalty as the same courtesy she'd show a Kage. She had stayed long after her part of his extravagant party was over. Usually, Mana wouldn't have performed in private shows, unless she decided on an exception because of other conditions. The last thing she'd have done was stay around a high society that couldn't have had enough of her and the Getsugakure ninja elite who respected Mana's skill as much as they mistrusted her presence in their village.

After all, things have been going so well for Getsugakure that they had their Golden Age to lose if Mana was a party with malicious intent behind her. No. Mana didn't stay because of her own choice, she stayed because the King's assistant relayed to her a message that the King himself wanted to see Mana after the show.

"Yes, your show, is simply marvelous. You know, if you need your vintage uniform for your performance, we can arrange our finest craftsmen to replicate it for you. Improve it even..." the King clapped his hands that could probably have fit most of Mana's head inside of them. Still, the man radiated almost no chakra signature, showing that whatever potential for chakra manipulation existed within him, it laid dormant and untrained his entire life.

"You're being too kind, King. This will not be necessary," Mana bowed. "I've come to like your native manner of clothing well enough."

She had performed in a long, tight silken dress that had nearly touched the floor. In her youth, Mana may have been worried that the tight wrap around her hips and calves of the cloth would have impeded her mobility and the complete lack of sleeves would have limited her available trick selection for the performance but, somehow, this worked out just fine. Mana just loved having something long to cover her lower section up.

"I'm just worried that all this jewelry might distract your esteemed guests from my performance. I'm not sure I can produce enough dazzle to get their eyes away from something so opulent," Mana tried voicing her complaint in the most agreeable and non-criticizing manner she could. The chest accessory held by her shoulders, covering up the opening of her dress by the chest area, had dangling jewelry on it that clanked around when Mana made sudden moves. It was loud and clunky and Mana would have rather shown her skin that had a coat of gold and gemstones weighing her down.

"I won't presume to be able to tell you how to present yourself to the audience. You've shown today that you're the Mistress of Entertainment. These clothes and anything else I provide you with are gifts from Getsugakure. Feel free to use them, wear them or discard them, or give them away if you feel like it. It is up to your discretion," the King waved his hand about. It didn't take a detective to see that King Kamar wasn't a fan of how deep into this buttering up the conversation had gone, as he wanted to move on to something else. Something of importance to him.

"I would say, if I may, giving away the gifts of the King himself might appear in bad faith though," the assistant raised his right eyebrow, turning to the King with curiosity about why his monarch gave this advice.

"As I've said..." King Kamar's tone bolstered, displaying an even clearer need to move on to the next subject. "Up to the Sorceress' discretion. I've asked you to stay for a little both because I wanted you to enjoy the ball and because I wished to discuss your stay here in Getsugakure."

Mana stood silent, waiting for the King to clarify. She was no fool, nor was she naïve. Mana sensed the footmen that the King had observed her at a respectful distance. He may have judged Mana's sensory capabilities to be around Gasco's level, unaware that she had trained and expanded the range much further. The King was interested in Mana's intentions here as much as his court and his elite ninja were.

"From what I know, you've been spending most of your time on the estate, training with Stea and helping her train her students. News reached me you've been performing in the Getsugakure streets for the villagers during the evenings," King Kamar's voice filled the royal throne room. He was being boisterous, but not really imposing or aggressive.

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