Jumping The Gun

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Toxi began snapping out of his daze just in time to see the floating debris of the shattered mountain slowly begin to regain its proper weight and accumulate speed while plummeting down like a meteor storm. The taijutsu specialist didn't have enough time to formulate a complicated battle plan, all he knew was that he had been too swatted, battered, and tossed about just to punch and kick the meteor storm away.

"Earth Style: Ridge Dance!" Veno chanted out, putting together a couple of hand seals in the few blinks that the twins still had to defend themselves from the mountain crumbling back together into a pile of debris. A similar one to how it once rested, though far more unruly this time around.

Sharp stone pillars shot out, surrounding Toxi and Veno, spinning around the two as the name of the ninjutsu suggested. Though, from the devastating pop and the crumbling noise of stone being reduced to mere pebbles, it became apparent that the pair's best shot was all for naught as the mountain continued to crumble down into a massive pile of rocks.

Only a single stone float lingered in the air, atop of which Kaguya Yaban stood and observed the cataclysmic rockfall, drowning his opponents out with crossed arms and a disgruntled look. While the Lightweight Boulder Jutsu allowed the user to fly freely by manipulating their own weight to being less than that of the air, such a measure made one significantly easier to hurt and defeat as losing one's own mass also made one far weaker. Just like amping the weight of one's fists made them pack a significantly more meaningful wallop.

Kaguya Yaban's bulky and refined body had been littered with a network of lacerations and deep gashes from which the poison escaped his body. One of his eyes lurked in the shade of his hair and a dark bloodstain obscuring a troublesome wound while the Fourth Tsuchikage had to restrain his own blood flow actively, using chakra augmentation from bleeding out on the spot.

The white-haired brawler plunged down, jumping off of the stone he used to surf the skies to smash into the pile already covering his downed enemies. Bit by bit, the foundations of the crumbled pile of boulders shifted, suggesting that the twins had been working to surface. Before they could make strides with that goal, Kaguya Yaban smashed into the mountain, stomping both his feet down firmly while a visible bright outline surrounded his entire body. A cerulean light that lustered even from his eyes, beaming through even the one that had been splattered out of the socket.

The exiled Tsuchikage purged his luster, transferring his overflowing chakra throughout the shattered mountain and once again restoring the weightlessness of the entire pile of boulders. The overwhelmed twins found themselves floating in mid-air while weightless boulders hurled upward, defying gravity from an elementary first look, though, given their mass, they were actually working alongside the laws of nature that have simply been altered and not against them.

With a low-pitched grumble, Yaban kicked off of the ground and scooped an airborne, weightless boulder, spinning around with it in hand as if it had weighed nothing at all. Then, the infuriated S-Rank ninja slammed the boulder, which appeared a dozen times the size of Toxi, straight at him, resuming the structure to its ordinary weight and even multiplying it tenfold at the very instance of contact. The rogue ninja swooped down like an arrow shot from the heavens and meaning to punish the Earth. On his path, Toxi smashed through a whole queue of boulders before being granted the mercy of a cruel splat so deafening and painful that his body bounced off the ground four whole meters.

Scooping up boulders and punting them like weightless balls of rag, Kaguya Yaban hurled his punishment in a ruthless barrage like a vengeful god sent their thunderbolts. One by one, just like divine thunders, those boulders crashed and let out a booming thud as they shattered to minuscule pebbles, unable to contain the bubbling and shifting forces of gravity, escalations in mass, and tremendous shocks.

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