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She prays with me every night, just as we did when I was a little girl. Except now she can't kiss me on my head. Oh, how I'd give anything to have my mother kiss me on my forehead.

"Time's up!" The guard yelled across the room. Visiting hours were over. My mom and I shared one more hug and it was time to go back to my cage. I could see the pain in her eyes as they shackled me up and escorted me out of the room, I took one look back and could see her wiping her eye. She does her best to never let me see her cry, I'm not as strong.
I walked back to my cell, holding back tears. I felt like I was being snatched from my mother. I was hopeless. I know that my baby girl can feel this.

I made it back to my cell. Rayna was there.

"Hey cry baby"

"Hey girl."

"How's mama?"

"She's good. She got a little emotional at the end."

"Aw. At least you still have a mom. Mine is probably in prison too or dead from an overdose. Who knows?"

"I'm thankful." I said with a faint smile.

"And how's this little one?" she asked rubbing my belly.

"She's good. pressing against my bladder. I'm peeing what seems like every 5 minutes."

"Oh, that happens. I have to tell you about Papi."

Papi was a Latina inmate, serving a life sentence for drug trafficking and a few murder charges. She was Rayna's "Prison lover."  Papi knew of Rayna's "hustle" and they made it work.

"Is she okay? I know last time you went over there, you two got into it?"

"Yeah, she's fine. She's apparently f***ing one of these guards, I hear. I know it's that skank h*e, Griffin! I can't stand that b***h."

Nobody here really cares for Griffin. She's a loud talking, big booty guard here. She's petty and bullies us inmates. Rumors say that she hasn't been fired because she's sleeping with the captain. I don't know.

"Why would Griffin be sleeping with Papi?"

"Hello, Cry baby? Because Papi is the s**t." She screamed.

I laughed at her. Rayna's theatrics are better than reality tv. She threw herself onto my cot and whined "Cry Baby, I don't want Papi cheating on me because I'm gonna have to kill her and I'd miss her too much."

I sat beside her.
"Everyday that I wake up I wish that I had killed my husband."

"It's okay girl, that bastard is going to get what's coming to him. Just like Papi and Griffin if I find out they're fooling around."

I looked at her and told her "Just ask Papi."

"Okay, cry baby but if she lies, I'm kicking her a**.

I chuckled. Rayna stood up and headed out the door while joking "I'm not about to put my hands on this girl and go to jail". The hole is what we consider jail, while our cells, these cages are unfortunately home.

Desire 2: CagedWhere stories live. Discover now