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"NO!" I screamed

"Order! Order!" The judge commanded, banging his gavel. The sheriff grabbed me. I sat silently in tears.

The judge started. "Now, if there are no more interruptions. Let's get started. "So, we are here to reinstate parental rights, is that right? The Judge questioned.

"Yes sir, Your Honor." Answered Keith's lawyer.

"State your case." The judge instructed

"Yes sir. My client prematurely signed over his rights to his unborn child. My client was unaware of his wife's criminal agenda and was distraught to find out the truth. Mr. Washington recently found out that his soon to be ex-wife has convinced her elderly mother to take the child, while my client was unaware and obviously hurting. I have filed my claim to have his decision overturned by pleading insanity under the obvious circumstances of grieving. Mrs. Washington is State Property and has no rights to her unborn child based on state laws stating no persons incarcerated may consent themselves to another person or have parental rights."

"So, Mr. Washington, to be clear, you are seeking full parental rights to your unborn child?"

"Yes, your honor." Keith agreed

"So, why did you sign over rights, Mr. Washington?"

"Well, your honor my wife was charged with murder and embezzlement. I was depressed and used sleeping aids to rest at night. My head wasn't in the right place.

My heart dropped. He is the reason I'm in here. I cried because no matter what I said or did, I have no rights to my daughter.

The judge scheduled a hearing in 7 days, in which I would not be attending but my mother and Keith would essentially be in a custody hearing.

What the hell am I going to do now? I'm tired of losing. This man has destroyed me and I have no fight left in me.

Desire 2: CagedWhere stories live. Discover now