Chapter 1: Late

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"AGH!" Mi-ae screamed as she dashed down the street. The girl's alarm had failed to wake her on time, resulting in her being late to school. Which sucked.


Now she was just desperate since she really didn't want to get stopped at the gates. In reality, Mi-ae didn't know how late she actually was but, in her mind, it was late enough. Her mom would probably yell at her if she got reprimanded for being late which Mi-ae definitely didn't want.

Suddenly loud footsteps came thumping from behind Mi-ae and she sped up her pace to be even faster. Who was it?? Better not be a creep! 

"Mi-ae! Slow down a little! I'm not after you!" Mi-ae stumbled at this and whirled her head around to look at the tall male who was rapidly gaining ground on her. Cheol! "AGHHHH!!" Mi-ae screamed even louder and tried to run faster than Cheol. This was difficult as the boy was at least a foot taller than her and so his legs were considerably longer than hers.

Cheol passed Mi-ae right as the school gates came into view. Maybe they weren't actually too late, Mi-ae thought hopefully. 

Cheol practically threw himself past the gates but when Mi-ae tried to follow she felt a hand grip onto the back of her uniform and yank her backwards, out of the gates and away from her only hope. Mi-ae collapsed dramatically against the teachers hold on her uniform. Just let this choke me! It'll be the end when my mom hears about this anyway. 

A single tear leaked from Mi-ae's eye; her life was ruined.



~ik this chapter was short, but they'll all be like this,

i hope you enjoyed ❤❤ ~

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