Chapter 2: Class

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Tap. Tap. Tap.

Mi-ae bit her lip in frustration, pen tapping on her desk in a repetitive pattern. Groaning the girl sunk down onto her desk. "Ugh, why does English have to be so hard," she mumbled. 

An uncomfortable cough escaped from the person sitting right next to her who of course happened to be Cheol. Mi-ae froze at the sound before turning towards the boy and gave him a fierce glare from under her arm. 

An intimidating aura surrounded the girl and Cheol shivered. Mi-ae was still sore at Cheol for what had happened that morning. 

Of course, she thought how could Cheol leave her there to get punishment alone? It wasn't fair in Mi-ae's eyes. Why did she get reprimanded, and he didn't?

The two had their eyes locked and Mi-ae wouldn't let Cheol look away. Cheol had a feeling that if he did Mi-ae might do something weird.

"Okay you two lovebirds, we get that your Cheol and Mi-ae, but you need to stop staring at each other during this lesson, okay?"

Mi-ae jolted upright, breaking her eye contact with Cheol and was greeted with the many gazes of her classmates. The girl side eyed Cheol and saw that he was sitting rigid, his eyes dark in either embarrassment or anger, maybe both. 

"We weren't staring at each other-" Mi-ae tried to protest but the teacher cut her off, saying that they needed to continue with the lesson. 

Glowering at anyone who even so much as smiled Mi-ae sunk down into her chair and sulked. She was staring so hard at her notebook you might've thought she was having a staring contest with it.

Mi-ae suddenly bent over her notebook and furiously scribbled out a message. The note read, 

'Why did you leave me at the gate?? Now I'm in trouble! I'm mad at you!!' 

She shoved it towards Cheol who was still sitting rather rigidly. "Hey," she whispered, trying to get his attention.

Cheol spared her a small glance, embarrassment written on his face. Mi-ae pushed the notebook towards him again, trying to remain subtle. It took Cheol a while to loosen up a little, but he finally did and took a glance at the notebook.

An exasperated look overtook his face once he read the note and he turned away from Mi-ae. Cheol had his eyebrows drawn down, his shoulders tensed up as he hunched over his desk.

Mi-ae thought he might write her a letter back but no, he just sat there. Fuming Mi-ae finally turned her attention back to the lesson.



~Hey guys, 

I hope you enjoyed this chapter! ❤~

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