Chapter 8: Irritation

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Cheol. There was a glare placed on Mi-ae's face as she thought his name. Cheol was always making things harder for Mi-ae, there was no questioning it. Her eyebrows pressed down in irritation. If only Cheol had helped her with the homework!

That's right, Mi-ae was mad because Cheol hadn't helped her with the homework. In Mi-ae's mind, it was fair to be angry. "It wasn't like I was asking for the answers anyway!" The girl through her arms up in the air before placing them down on the table. She narrowed her eyes, "My anger is fair." 

Mi-ae got a great idea. She scooped her books into her arms, shoved them into a bag, and scurried out of her room. As soon as she got into her mom's view the lady started yelling, demanding where she was going. "Cheol's!" And with that she yanked on the door handle, trying to balance the heavy bag and bolted out the door. She didn't have shoes on but oh well. 

Mi-ae took tiny, but fast steps across the sidewalk to Cheol's apartment. At least she had socks. Taking the stairs quickly Mi-ae finally reached Cheol's door, breathing heavily. She bent over for a moment, trying not to drop her bag, eyes bulging. 

Once she finally caught her breath, she knocked on their door. Cheol's mom opened it. Out of breath Mi-ae requested to see Cheol which his mom happily obliged to, giving the girl a large, friendly smile. Mi-ae couldn't help but wish her mom was like that.

Mi-ae walked through the house as speedily as she could. If her mom happened to come get her, she wanted to get the help she needed first. As soon as she reached Cheol's door Mi-ae paused and sucked in a deep breath. She had to prepare in case Cheol was in a foul mood. Mi-ae finally knocked.

"Yes?" Cheol's bored voice answered, slightly dulled by the door. Mi-ae took this as an invitation to enter. She opened the door, carefully holding her bag. Cheol was lying on his stomach, head buried in his pillow. Very quietly Mi-ae crept further into the room and shut the door. Cheol chose this moment to peek at her under his arm.



~ Cheol and Mi-ae are finally getting some time aloneeee

Mi-ae's mom is making me so mad,

I feel so bad writing her to be this mean to Mi-ae 😭

I hope everyone enjoyed ❤~

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