Chapter 11: Screaming

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"Mi-ae... Can I kiss you?"

Mi-ae sucked in a long, deep breath, maybe in an effort to calm her aching heart. Cheol- Cheol's- The tension between the two was palpable as Mi-ae tried to break her eyes from Cheol's heavy gaze... and failed.

Panicking, not knowing what to do, Mi-ae decided to do what she did best (in her opinion), joke. Or at least try to. 

"Aha! Ah... That's really funny Cheol!" She exclaimed awkwardly, pushing herself off his chest and settling back on his legs. "That's a bad joke though, hahaa.." She started to maneuver herself off of him, but he grabbed her wrist.  

"Mi-ae, I'm... not joking."

The girl froze, her bright eyes wavering as she stared into his. She couldn't make a joke out of it this time. Why hadn't he just gone along with it? Unless he actually wanted to... No! No way! Not Cheol, Cheol would never have any interest in Mi-ae, especially with the whole, Mi-ae and Cheol thing. 

The voices of Cheol's family filtered through the door at a very conventionally convenient moment according to Mi-ae. "Ah-" She quickly jumped off of the boy whose face, although unsmiling, dropped. His heart became heavy, feeling like it was being dragged out of his chest. 

Mi-ae gathered her books quickly and practically ran out of the room, "My mom's calling me!" She basically screamed, alerting not only Cheol, but also his entire family.

Mi-ae yelled a quick goodbye and darted out of the apartment. 


Cheol stared after Mi-ae, his thoughts were unfocused and running a mile a minute. What had even just happened? Was that... Did Mi-ae reject him? Cheol heard someone yell his name from the dining room. 

Who was it? Cheol couldn't even tell, his head was spinning. There was some sort of ache deep in his chest, he didn't know how to explain it. 


The boy heaved himself out of bed and went over to his door, shutting it. His family's questions could wait.

He shuffled back to his bed flopped onto it. He really had thought that maybe she... Well, it didn't matter now because obviously, Cheol had thought wrong. He let out a heavy sigh and rolled onto his stomach, burying his face into his pillow.

Cheol wriggled around on his bed, wrinkling the covers. The covers that Mi-ae had just sat on. Letting out an exasperated sigh, the boy scrunched his brow, trying to get Mi-ae out of his mind.

"This is pure torture" Cheol muttered. This is why you don't go falling for people, he scolded himself mentally. Of course, but he thought Mi-ae... He thought Mi-ae was different. 

Just then he heard a light, thump, as something hit his floor. He turned his head, with great effort, away from the wall he was fixated on and towards the window.

There, on the floor, lying right below the window seal was a paper airplane. A really badly made airplane. Cheol wondered how it had even made it across the gap between- Wait.

Cheol jumped up from his bed and dashed to the window, sliding slightly in his socks. He grabbed the window seal to steady himself and crouched down, staring across the alleyway. 

Mi-ae stared back at him, her face oddly mimicking that of a disgruntled cat. Cheol's heart skipped a beat, whether from the fact that he was staring at Mi-ae so soon after her assumed rejection of his confession or because of the confusion her expression solicited in him, he didn't know. 

The two stared at each other for a few seconds before Mi-ae let out a squeak, slammed her window shut, and threw her curtains closed.

Cheol stayed in his crouched position for a minute, eyebrows scrunched together in wonderous confusion before turning to the paper airplane. He bent down to grab it and returned to his bed.

He gently unfolded the wings of the paper airplane and read the messy handwriting inside. 

'Can we meet tomorrow? My house at 6? Please consider it - Mi-ae'

Cheol's face twitched as he read the message, "what the hell..." First she ditched him and now? Sighing, Cheol ran his hand through his hair, reminding himself to think kindly. 

Mi-ae was annoying, but she wasn't a bad person. She had to have ran off for a reason. With that reassuring thought in mind Cheol finally found himself able to relax.

~ I am so sorry it took so long to complete this chapter !

It took me so much motivation to rewrite it so many time >-<

But I really hope you guys enjoyed I worked really hard 

Pls give this story a like and don't forget to comment your opinions !

Thanks for reading ❤ ~

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