Chapter 3: Physical Ed

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Mi-ae was sitting with her friends, a large grin spread across her face. Her eyes sparkled as her gaze switched back and forth between the girls sitting with her. Occasionally she would open her mouth to blurt something out or protest against something another girl had said. Her big, dumb, annoying mouth...

Cheol startled out of his thoughts, but didn't take his gaze off Mi-ae. His brow furrowed in frustration as he stared at her. Forgetting he was playing soccer with the other guys Cheol didn't move an inch, even when Mi-ae seemed to sense his gaze and turned slowly towards him. Her expression of rage however when she saw him staring seemed to snap him out of his daze.

The other students on the grassy lawn shrunk away from the intimidating auras surrounding the two as they stared each other down. Mi-ae's friends tried to stop the short girl from glaring at the much taller boy, warning her that 'Lucifer' might do something terrible if she made him angry. Mi-ae though, who knew this was not true, decided to make the situation impossibly worse and stuck her tongue out at him.

Cheol's eyebrows dipped even lower than before, a dark look taking over his face. Of course, this wasn't awfully uncommon, for the two to have such a dispute, but the tension was so thick that everyone standing even remotely close to them felt uncomfortable. Cheol hadn't even realized he had been stomping towards Mi-ae until he felt his fellow soccer players wrapped around his legs. 

Mi-ae's friends were futilely trying to hold her back as well, although she was doing less stomping and more arm swinging. 

Soon enough the teacher intervened, reprimanding the two and making them sit out for the rest of P.E. This did not make either of their attitudes towards each other any better. Sitting outside the classroom and listening to the muffled lecture going on made Mi-ae even more angry at the situation. Her mom was going to kill her.



~ Hey,

I hope everyone enjoyed this chapter 😊 

I tried my best to make this enjoyable ❤ ~

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