Chapter 16: After the kiss

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Mi-ae kicked her feet, swinging them back and forth. She pouted her lips in thought and then froze. The kiss... Her face flushed, hand flying up to gently touch her lips. The girl rocked back onto her bed, leaving her seated position to flail wildly across her bed. An uncharacteristic squeal left her lips, but she couldn't care less.

Cheol had kissed her! Her! Mi-ae! The plain, exuberant, often 'annoying', short-haired girl. Mi-ae paused her flailing, staring at the ceiling for a moment. She had never thought he would find any interest in her. But he had... Cheol liked-

Growing even more flustered she began kicking her legs again, flailing all over her bed, trying not to make any further noises. 

"Mi-ae you better be studying in there!" her mom's yell shook her out of her giddy state and she darted over to her desk. "Uh- y-yes mom! Of course I am!"


After the kiss Cheol hadn't stopped staring at Mi-ae's window blankly for the past day or two. He had kissed her. Actually kissed her. He had honestly even surprised himself. 

The boy absentmindedly scratched his neck. He hoped Mi-ae hadn't noticed how nervous he was... He finally got to kiss Mi-ae. It had taken long enough honestly. Cheol had hoped that his thoughts of Mi-ae might have... well dissipated once he had kissed her, but if anything, they'd gotten more common.

Anytime he passed her apartment building, saw someone who even looked remotely similar to her, or whenever he accidentally caught a glance of her through the window, his heart always beat furiously and then he ended up distracted for the next hour or so! Cheol worried that maybe he was thinking about it too much. Was this normal?

Cheol bit his lip and leaned back in his chair, staring at the ceiling. Why did one girl occupy his thoughts so much. Well, she had always had her place in his thoughts but now... it was different, wasn't it? 

Or maybe it had never been too different from now, he might have just not noticed.

He shook his head, no no. There was no way. Finding it impossible to stay still Cheol stood up and paced the length of his small bedroom. There was no way, he couldn't have...

Cheol groaned. Why was this so darn complicated!!

~ Hi guysss,

ik you've all been waiting for an update,

sorry i've taken so darn longgg TvT

i bet i've lost almost everyone's interest with these long ass breaks between updates,

ig i haven't rlly found time to update and i haven't been super motivated to write,

so i hope you guys like this,

i love it when guys are even a lil bit shyer than the girl, 

so cute! 

don't forget to like and comment! ❤~

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 04 ⏰

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