Chapter 6: Tired

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Mi-ae could barely muster any sort of overly energetic acts. She was so tired from studying and her mom's lecture. It was only natural though, that she'd be mentally tired. 

Everything made Mi-ae tired, she just didn't normally show it because it didn't affect her often. Everyone was tired anyways, right? So, it didn't really matter.

The classes today felt like they had dragged on forever. The entire class was groaning by the time it was last period. It was Friday and the whole class was ready to go home and have a relaxing weekend. Minus the few homework assignments. 

The teacher explained that they would be giving a study period. They made sure it was clear that it was not a free period, but a time to catch up on missing assignments and study. Mi-ae just wanted to sleep, as did probably half of the other kids in the class.

Cheol made a low grunt next to Mi-ae and she tried not to roll her eyes. Mi-ae was in an irritated mood. She didn't even know why. Mi-ae was normally more playfully angry rather than actually angry angry but... Today she was just not feeling like normal.

"Mi-ae!" The teacher called her name and Mi-ae snapped out of her daze, she had been staring soullessly at her desk. "Are you actually going to do your work or are you hoping it'll do it's self if you stare at it long enough? Get to work." The class broke into laughter, which was soon shushed into silence, but Mi-ae was still sinking down into her seat in embarrassment. 

Cheol spared a quick glance at the girl, raising an eyebrow and her attempts to seemingly disappear. Either that or she was hoping the teacher would disappear. Who knew at this point. 

As the other students stifled their laughs, at Mi-ae's expense, Cheol felt a weird feeling rise in his chest. He felt an angry feeling, like he wanted to shield Mi-ae from everyone. But that was dumb, why would he ever feel that way?

Cheol shivered slightly and turned away from the girl who was still sunk deep into her chair, trying to do work from that odd position. Why was Cheol even thinking about her? Whatever, he needed to get his work done. 

Cheol turned away from the girl and glared down at his work. Whatever he was feeling it couldn't last or be important, right?



~ Did you guys like the chapter?

I added a little romance 😩


Tried to make up for the angst ❤ ~

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