Chapter 13: Mi-ae's House

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Cheol sighed. It was 6. He felt so small standing in front of Mi-ae's apartment door. How was he supposed to feel anyways? Mi-ae had pretty much rejected him and then requested that he come see her at her apartment? It must be a joke.

He glanced at his phone.


Crap, he had better knock now rather than later. He had mustered up the courage to actually walk over, all he had to do was announce his arrival...

Cheol lifted his hand to knock when the door suddenly slammed open. 

"Goodbye Mi-ae, be good! I'll be back later, you better study hard!"

Cheol flinched slightly as Mi-ae's mom stomped out of the apartment. Her gaze landed on the boy who seemed to slowly be losing inch by inch of his height. Cheol braced himself for the worst. Had Mi-ae not told her mom he was coming over...?

"Cheol!" A large smile spread across Mi-ae's mom's face and she patted Cheol on the shoulder. "Right, I forgot Mi-ae said you were coming over for a study session!" Study session...? "Well I have to run, but feel free to stay for dinner if you want!"

And before Cheol could even blink she was gone, dashing into the elevator and disappearing from sight leaving the boy to stand in stunned silence. 

What had Mi-ae told her mom...

"Uh..." after a moment of thought the boy turned and knocked on the door. Not too long later he heard Mi-ae's grumbling as she came to answer the door. "Who the hell..-"

The door swung open once again and Mi-ae and Cheol were face to face. Both of them froze, as though not knowing what to say. Mi-ae's look was slightly disheveled. Her bangs were pulled back and she was dressed in a simple outfit. Sweats and an oversized t-shirt, which Cheol guessed were probably a few days past their prime.

Shrieking, Mi-ae, who seemed to forget the meeting that she had planned, slammed the door shut on Cheol. The poor boy sighed. His courage was waning and he felt as though his heart might burst.

Why the delay?? He demanded mentally, wanting to get whatever conversation Mi-ae had planned over with. 

When the door finally creaked open again Mi-ae's bangs were back to normal, albeit slightly ruffled. Cheol let out an awkward cough.

"Ahaha... sorry I forgot about this.." Mi-ae rubbed the back of her head sheepishly and Cheol tried not to glare too noticeably. Patience, he reminded himself, patience is key... He nodded slightly.

"So can I come in then or...?" Mi-ae scrambled out of the doorway. "R-rightttt... HAHA." Cheol glanced at Mi-ae out of the corner of his eye as he slipped his shoes off. "No need to be so uptight," he mumbled.

"Uptight? Who's being uptight?" Mi-ae let out another very fake sounding laugh and Cheol suppressed an annoyed sigh. He might have a crush on the girl but god, could she be annoying sometimes.

The two stood awkwardly in the entryway to Mi-ae's house until the girl blurted, "Want a glass of water? I could use one." 

Cheol nodded slowly. Honestly, he couldn't care less, but he'd never say that. 

The tall boy followed Mi-ae, rubbing his arm uncomfortably. They walked into the kitchen and Mi-ae grabbed two glasses and started to fill them with cold water. 

Once that was done Cheol pursed his lips, trying not to snort as Mi-ae loudly gulped down her glass. The silence was so deafening that Cheol felt tempted to turn and dash out of the door. Escape was so close...

"Okay, so, about yesterday," Never mind escape then. "I just wanted to talk to you about it, cause I felt sort of bad..." Of course.

Cheol huffed, setting down his water glass. She felt bad. That was the last thing Cheol wanted to hear. That meant... Whatever.

He shook his head, trying to clear his thoughts. Why had he ever assumed that she might feel the same way? "It's fine," he mumbled. "It doesn't matter anymore so just forget about it. Your mom said you wanted to study?"

"No!" Cheol jumped at Mi-ae's sudden change of tone. "I wanted to talk to you so I will!" The girl's face scrunched up in determination and she grabbed Cheol's hands in hers (as much as she could💀😭). 

She grabbed... Cheol's face was on fire. He could feel the heat rising up his chest and to the very top of his head. 

Mi-ae's hand were- they were-.

"Cheol!" He had to blink multiple times to shake himself out of his thoughts. But Mi-ae's hands-

No! He scolded himself, Focus! Mi-ae is trying to talk to you! She's more important than your stupid thoughts!

"There's a reason I wanted to talk to you about what happened!"

~Ooooo, cliffhanger~

That's very mean of me haha 😓

ik ik, i made you guys wait foreverrrr

but thank you all for being so patient

i deadass forgot wattpad existed lol


i pretty proud of myself for this chapter and i hope you enjoyed! 

i'll try to get the next one out soon!  ❤~

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