Chapter 10: Too Close

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Cheol groaned, his head hurt so bad. He'd slammed it into the ground when he fell. Why did Mi-ae have to be so clumsy?? Speaking of Mi-ae, the girl was sprawled dramatically across Cheol's chest. Chest. Mi-ae was on Cheol's chest. Cheol's.

The two were frozen. Just staring at each other. What were they supposed to do? Normally, Cheol would immediately shove Mi-ae away, but he couldn't seem to. This confused the girl.

Cheol hated when she touched him, at least she always thought he did. She didn't even know what she was going to do. Get up and be awkward? Was laying on him more awkward? She could pretend to sleep! 

Mi-ae's thoughts were running a mile a minute, Cheol on the other hand, his mind was going blank. He couldn't think. Mi-ae was so close and... 

"Uhhh..." Cheol stared skeptically at Mi-ae who was currently doing of very bad job of pretending to sleep. She even went so far as to let out a fake snore. This made Cheol roll his eyes. "Mi-ae, I know you're awake, you're terrible at pretending to sleep so just stop."

Mi-ae cracked one eye open to peek at Cheol. His face was awfully close. Why did her tummy feel like this? It was... fluttering. And her heart was running like 100 mph.  What was going on?


Cheol and Mi-ae finally managed to separate, but now Cheol couldn't decide which situation was more awkward. They were just sitting there, in silence. Normally he'd think they'd just recover quickly and Mi-ae would be jumping around just like normal again, but she was just sitting there. 

Cheol was about to say something to break the silence, but Mi-ae jumped to it quicker than him. "Aha-aha-aha..." What was with that awkward laugh... "Uhm, I think I hear my mom calling me! I have to go haha!" Cheol watched quietly as Mi-ae grabbed her stuff and tried to shove it all into her bag. Should he say something...?

Cheol wasn't the talkative type, he never had been and probably never would, but... Seeing Mi-ae, cheeks bright red and head hung low, Cheol wanted to speak so many words. So many more words than he had ever wished to say. But those words...


Mi-ae had dropped yet another book and it fell right by Cheol's feet. Mi-ae scrambled to grab the book right as Cheol reached for it and their hands collided. "Oh I'm sorry let me just-" "My bad I'll-" "Should you grab it or-" "I've got it-" Cheol and Mi-ae awkwardly struggled to pick the book up momentarily until Mi-ae finally snatched it up. She started trying to shove it into her very cramped bag.

Cheol had a million thoughts flashing through his head. Mi-ae left him no time to think as she turned to try and make a wild dash out of his room. "Wait Mi-ae-" He jumped up and then this time he slipped. His slipper made a wild escape from under his foot and he tumbled backwards. 

Fortunately his bed was right behind him, unfortunately his survival instincts decided to kick in and he latched onto the nearest thing, which turned out to be Mi-ae elbow.

The girl shrieked as she tumbled, pulled by Cheol's ruthless grip. Cheol thumped dully onto his bed, however this time his head didn't hurt, and his mind could immediately address the situation.

Mi-ae was on top of him, again. Her book bag strewn somewhere else in the room. Cheol's eyes gazed into Mi-ae's, the emotion in them hinting at some hidden feelings. Mi-ae let out a tiny, barely audible gasp. Cheol didn't try to pull away this time. There was something different in his eyes than last time.

"Mi-ae..." His whisper was breathy as he slowly raised himself up to his elbows. Mi-ae didn't even attempt to move. She was frozen in place. Their faces were so terribly close and her stomach was doing that weird flutter thing again.

Cheol felt so overwhelmed by the gaze staring at him from just a few inches away. His gut was twisting and his heart was aching, almost like it was pulling and yanking to get out of his chest. He never realized how much Mi-ae made him... feel. He'd never felt like this around anyone so why Mi-ae? They didn't even like each other that much... right?

Cheol carefully sat up a little more, Mi-ae adjusting with him, almost naturally it seemed. He tentatively placed a hand on her chin, fingers wrapping around her small jaw. Cheol gently pulled her face closer, closer, until their faces weren't even an inch apart.

"Mi-ae... Can I kiss you?"

~Ahhh, i'm so sorry for the late update 😭

i've been so busy with school that i just forgot about this story

i thought this chapter was so cute !!

i don't normally write romance so i was sort of just winging it

thanks for reading !! ❤ ~

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