Chapter 5: Studying

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Mi-ae thumped her head against her desk. Why did studying have to be so hard!! School should just be easy and let her get an A! Scrunching the paper in her hand in an attempt to wake up her tired mind Mi-ae glared at the textbook on her desk. 

Mi-ae cursed her textbook, flicked it, and then smushed the side of her face into it. Mi-ae hopped the information would absorb into her head naturally. The comics on the other side of her room looked awfully tempting. 

No! Mi-ae could not let herself get distracted! She had to stay focused. The girl was awfully stressed, but she knew she couldn't give up. She'd get to school on time tomorrow, she wouldn't get in trouble, but most importantly, she would get her grades back up! 

Yes! Mi-ae was determined and would stick to this plan!


Over on the other side of the alley, Cheol was having dinner with his parents and his mom was asking what had happened to get him in trouble. Her tone was sweet, but firm. She obviously was asking before jumping to any absurd conclusions.

Cheol shoveled food into his mouth and half-heartedly explained what had happened. His sister immediately started teasing him. He glared at her, which only encouraged her laughter. Their parents soon told them to cut off their bickering.

As soon as they finished eating and did the dishes Cheol headed to his room. He had some homework to get done and was in no way going to fall behind. Cheol felt a little hot and discarded his sweatshirt. When the room still felt stuffy even then and went over to open his window.

Happening to glance towards Mi-ae's house he saw the girl, slumped over her desk, a little bit of drool dribbling out of her mouth. Cheol felt like his soul left his body and he just stood, staring blankly as the drool fell out of her mouth and onto her textbook. 

Cheol snapped his curtains shut, face white and went to sit down at his desk chair. Mi-ae was weird.



~I hope Cheol's pov might bring a little bit of joy to everyone!

Sorry for that last chapter 😓:)) 

As always, I hope everyone enjoyed this chapter ❤ ~

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