Chapter 15: OMG

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"If you can't shut up, I'll actually have to kiss you."

Mi-ae's face lit up like a christmas tree. "W-what??" She crocked incredulously from under Cheol's hand. Cheol steeled his gaze, trying to appear unaffected. Mi-ae didn't notice the red tipping his ears. 

"So?" Cheol pulled his hand back, uncovering Mi-ae's mouth, and placed it back on the wall next to her head. This time Mi-ae noticed his hand placement and blushed slightly before turning her gaze back to Cheol. "I already asked if I could kiss you, you think I still don't want to?"

Mi-ae turned her head to the side slightly, nose scrunched up. "I mean, you kissed me, didn't you?" Mi-ae snapped her head back, slightly incredulous. "No! I mean yes... BUT, that was hardly a kiss!" 

Cheol scrunched his brow in confusion, tilting his head slightly, looking away from Mi-ae. "But you-" Mi-ae grabbed Cheol's chin, forcing him to look back at her. "That was a peck. A cheek peck of all things! No that was not a kiss!" 

Cheol's face went up in flames as he stared at the girl, he could barely register what she was saying. Mi-ae was holding Cheol's chin. There was contact. Cheol felt frozen, staring at the fuming girl. 

"Hah-" Cheol suddenly drew away from Mi-ae, struggling to stifle a laugh. The small girl's fury only grew. "What are you laughing at??" She demanded, but despite her angry tone it was obvious she was trying to hold back her own laughter. 

"I- I'm sorry-" Cheol doubled over, holding his stomach. He put his hand over his mouth, trying not to laugh. 

Mi-ae fought a smile, still slightly irritated, but unable to glare at Cheol for any longer. Mi-ae joined Cheol in his laughter. They weren't made to hate each other, although they often bickered, it was never serious. It was always... fun.

The two realized this as their laughter slowly died off. They paused, Cheol's smile slowly fell off his face as he watched Mi-ae. He slowly walked up to her, backing her up against the wall again. He gently placed his hand on the wall next to her. Cheol leaned down, eyes imploring. 

"Mi-ae can I..." The girl gave the slightest nod and Cheol instantly leaned forward. His lips gently touched hers. Mi-ae shivered at the sudden touch. They began the slow dance between their lips of two people who had obviously never kissed before. There was a slight unsureness between the two. And although it wasn't much, the small, uncertain giggle that escaped Mi-ae's lips comforted the boy. He felt special.

~ hiiii guys!

so ikkkk that it's been foreverrr, my bad >:(

i just had my psats today, so i'm trying my best i swear!

anyways, i hope you guys enjoyed this chapter!

we finally got the much-awaited kiss!!

my apologies if it's inaccurate or bad in any way, i've never been kissed before so i dont rlly know what it's like lol(also sorry if it seems rushed!!)

i hope you guys liked this update!

don't forget to like and comment❤~

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