Chapter 12: Anticipation

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That was all Cheol felt. Mi-ae had only invited him to her house so why did he feel so nervous?

After last night Cheol had felt all of his confidence get sucked out of him, as though some kind of confidence stealing fiend wouldn't leave him alone. 

Confusion was the main emotion clouding his mind last night. He had no idea how to feel about anything. 

Mi-ae had sprung his thought into a wild spiral of twisted emotions. At dinner Cheol could barely focus. He was eating absentmindedly and didn't even hear an ounce of his family's conversation. 

Of course, they had their fair amount of questions about what had happened with Mi-ae to cause her to run out screaming. Cheol only gave blunt, short answers like, 'her mom called' or 'I don't know, she got scared of her homework'.

He had trouble falling asleep since his mind was bustling with activity. Mi-ae was every direction he turned and it sort of freaked him out. Cheol might have a crush, but did he really like Mi-ae that much? His stomach felt like it was twisting in on itself. Was that normal? 

Cheol couldn't even focus on his homework! The boy stared hopelessly at the assignment his teacher had assigned for the weekend. It was Sunday currently and Cheol only had about half of it done. He would have to crank it out after he went to Mi-ae's. 

Cheol let out a heavy sigh. He couldn't even promise to do it that night. Depending on what Mi-ae wanted to talk about, either way Cheol might not manage to finish it.

It was still far too early in the day to be getting distracted by that girl. Cheol tried to scold himself into getting his work done, but inevitably he couldn't focus. 

All he could do was hope Mi-ae would wonder out of his mind and go somewhere else in the many hours left until he saw her.

~ sorry this chapter is so short!! >-<

i actually had a lot of fun writing this from Cheol's pov

i hope i accurately displayed how it feels to have a crush because in all honesty i never have

and here i am writing romance-

anyways pls like and comment your thoughts!! ❤ ~

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