Chapter 14: The Almost Kiss(?)

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"There's a reason I wanted to talk to you about what happened!"

Cheol startled at her raised tone, what was she going to say? Cheol braced himself for what would happen next. He felt an early sort of despair sinking into his stomach as he thought of all the possible things Mi-ae might say. In his mind, none of them could be good.

Mi-ae sucked in a deep breath, her hands were shaking slightly, and she couldn't tell if it was from all the extra energy she had pent up or if she was nervous. Either way she had to just spit it out! 

The first time that Mi-ae attempted to say what she intended to, she mumbled it so quietly that Cheol couldn't even hear what she said. Cheol leaned towards the girl, tilting his ear towards her slightly. "What did you say? I'm sorry I couldn't-"

Mi-ae darted forward and BAM.

Cheol jerked away and placed a hand on his cheek, shocked. 

Mi-ae has just KISSED HIM. Okay, maybe it had just been a peck on the cheek, but... Cheol was in such shock that he didn't even try to stop Mi-ae as she scrambled in the direction of her bedroom, socks slipping on the floor. Her door slammed shut and Cheol was still standing in the same spot, hand on his cheek.

Finally regaining his composure, Cheol moved towards her bedroom and stood outside of the door. He pursed his lips in thought, should he try to talk to her...? Or leave, Cheol nodded at the last one slowly. That would probably be the best decision. 

However, Cheol's hand seemed to move on its own and he pressed his palm against her door. "M... Mi-ae?" Cheol leaned his ear against the door, trying to hear if she'd say anything. "Mi-ae-?" 

The door swung open suddenly and Cheol jolted, trying and succeeding in regaining his balance. He'd fallen so much recently that he felt relieved to have saved this one. 

Cheol and Mi-ae made eye contact and the girl squeaked before running behind her door. Cheol froze, slightly confused by the situation. 

Mi-ae has kissed him, not the other way around, so why was she hiding? The boy moved towards the door and peered behind it. Mi-ae was pressed into the corner of her room, facing towards the wall and holding her face in her hands. As though she was... embarrassed? Cheol was the only one who has the right to be embarrassed!

The boy stalked towards Mi-ae, feeling slightly annoyed. When he reached Mi-ae, Cheol placed a hand on her shoulder. This elicited another nervous 'squeak' from the girl. "Mi-ae," Cheol tried to turn her towards him by tugging lightly on her shoulder, but she pulled away, keeping her face buried. 

"Ugh! Mi-ae come one-" Cheol tugged on Mi-ae's shoulder again and she finally flipped around so she was facing him. Cheol had one hand on either side of Mi-ae's head, but neither seemed to notice.

Bringing her hands away from her face the girl immediately started shouting apologies and explanations. "Mi-ae-" Mi-ae kept talking, ignoring Cheol's attempts to get her attention. "I'm sorry! I didn't mean to I never thought-!" Cheol leaned down and placed a gentle hand over Mi-ae's mouth. "If you can't shut up, I'll actually have to kiss you."

~ hi everyone!

i apologize for the late update!

i've been so busy with school that i haven't been able to write at all

i tried to make this chapter a little longer as well

disclaimer: it might take me a while to write the next chapter as well but hopefully not nearly as long

i hope you enjoyed this update

please don't forget to like and comment❤~ 

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