Chapter 4: Home

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As soon as Mi-ae entered her apartment she already knew her mom was going to be mad. She could practically sense it in the air! A dark aura was surrounding the house and escaping out the door.

Mi-ae tip-toed through the door and kicked her shoes off her feet as quietly as she could. Ugh! Her mom could be so scary sometimes, and Mi-ae didn't even know if she knew what had happened at school yet. 

"Mi-ae!" Oh snap, she definitely knew. Mi-ae loved her mom, she really did, but sometimes her scolding's went a little overboard. Cringing, the short haired-girl turned around to face her mom who was sitting, eyebrows drawn at the table. "Sit." The order was cold, only anger could be heard in her tone. 

Dread creeping into her stomach Mi-ae dropped her bag and went to sit down with her mom. 

"Mom, I'm really sorry I didn't-" As soon as Mi-ae met eyes with her mom she stopped talking. Her eyes were pits of anger, she was practically seething. "You got in trouble twice," the emphasis on twice made Mi-ae hang her head in shame. "and your grades are dropping, they're almost below average." Mi-ae knew this, she knew her grades were bad. "You've gotten into trouble almost 6 times this week already." Mi-ae knew this too.

There was nothing she could do about it, she tried her best, she tried to live normally and still keep her grades up but it was hard. 

"I ask barely anything of you and yet-" her mom was yelling now, she was really mad. Mi-ae didn't really know what to do in these moments, even after all these years so she just tuned her out. It might sound dumb, but the best way to get through her mom yelling was to hang her head and apologize.

"Why can't you just be like the other kids? There are so many kids with good grades, why can't you be one of them?" Mi-ae's dad wasn't home today. He normally stopped her mom when she got too mean or judgmental, but he wasn't here to help her. Mi-ae felt alone. 

"I'm sorry mom." A loud, exasperated sigh. "Just go study, get out of my sight." Mi-ae gave a silent nod and stood up from the table. She picked up her bag and started walking to her room. 

"You'd better not get in trouble one more time!" Her mom yelled after her, almost like it was an after thought. Mi-ae shut her door and sunk against it. A mother's love could sometimes be awfully brutal.



~ Hey guys, thanks for reading this chapter!

I know Mi-ae mom isn't actually this abusive

but i wanted to make some angst

I hope everyone enjoyed ❤ ~

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