Chapter 7: Confusion

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Cheol couldn't escape from this feeling. It had been a few days since the teacher had embarrassed Mi-ae and it wasn't like he was still thinking about it (Mi-ae was) but he was still holding onto that feeling. Not that he wanted to, he just couldn't seem to shake it, and now that he was thinking about it Cheol realized he had felt this way more than once. He had just refused to acknowledge it at first, so why now?

Cheol rolled from staring at his bedroom ceiling to burying his face in his pillow. Cheol glared into his pillow. This feeling was confusing, and he didn't like it. Cheol hated this feeling, whatever it was. 

He didn't know how to explain it and he knew if he asked his siter about it she'd find some way to make fun of him. Maybe Cheol should google it or something. No, he shook his head against his pillow, that would be stupid. It was just Mi-ae anyways, it couldn't be that important. 

"Cheol! Cheol hey!" The boy momentarily pressed the pillow against his ears, if he was imagining that girls voice, he would be so annoyed. First, he couldn't stop thinking about that day and now this? However, when the name calling continued to persist Cheol jumped out of his bed and stomped over to his window. There was Mi-ae, looking as if she was about to call his name again. 

"What?" He snapped, glaring at the girl. Mi-ae held up a finger, bent down, grabbed something, and appeared at the window again. "About the homework, I was wondering-" Cheol nearly screamed in exasperation. "Get lost!" He yelled before slamming his window and throwing himself back onto his bed. 

Mi-ae would literally not stop bothering him and Cheol could practically feel her glare boring through his wall. And Mi-ae was, in fact, glaring at the side of Cheol's apartment. Her fake smile placed to try and get the answers from the boy slowly faded into a resentful scowl. "Darn you." She mumbled. 

Mi-ae's mom screamed something about getting her work done and getting better grades. Mi-ae just sighed and sunk back into her chair.



~ I hope you guys liked this chapter!

Cheol's starting to realize his feelings even more 😳

Who's ready, because I am! lol

The next chapter will hopefully be even cuter ❤ ~

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