Exposed Emotions

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"Hey man. Am good. I wasn't expecting to see you here." Eli responded. 'So was I' I mentally shouted to myself. "Oh we won't be long. Caleb said he just wanted to come check on a friend." Bailey buts in before Caleb could speak. "Oh ok. Which friend?" Eli asks looking around as if he knows who Caleb is looking for. "He just told me he left a few minutes ago. Huh we should get going." He says but for some reason I believe he is lying. "Come on man. Stay. It's been a while you hang out. Besides am gonna be heading to my room soon. Gotta lot of school work to be done." Eli says giving Caleb the invitation I am guessing he is looking for. "Ummmm....sure. thanks." "Anytime bro." 'Poor Eli.' I thought to myself.

As Caleb walks to towards the crowd he gives me a stern stare that sent shivers up my spine. "Ladies am sorry to be a party pooper but the notes in my room isn't going to read themselves." Eli excusing himself. As he is about to leave he suddenly stops in his tracks and faces us again. "Hey Nessa wanna dance?" I looked at Becca who gives me the green light to go ahead. "Yea sure." I replied taking his hand.
We danced to some rnb. "I can see you like dancing." "Just a little. It's a great and simple way to work out." "Yea that's so true." "Can you do me a favor?" "Sure what is it?" Eli says in a flash as if he was waiting to hear me ask for a favor. "My friend Becca doesn't have a dance partner. Do you mind dancing with her for a few minutes?" I asked in a little demanding way. God what am I becoming.

I moved close to the gazebo at the pool. I sit on the couch inside it and just looked around. The scene is really cool. I mean everyone is having a great time. There is music, people dancing, jumping in the pool, doing liquor shots, beer ping pong. I mean it's really nice. This College kids really knows how to throw parties. I look over on my friend dancing away with Eli. They actually would make a pretty good couple.
I decided to get myself a drink and come back to this comfy couch.
Once inside the house I make my way to the kitchen. I grab a party cup, pour myself so drink and headed back out side. "Hey new girl." I turn around to see one of Caleb's goons hitting on me. "What do you want?" O said giving him all the attitude in the world. "Well I am Franky. Your classmate. You're looking pretty good tonight. Wanna hang out?" He asks moving in on me. "No I don't. I am here with someone. Now if you don't mind, get the hell out of my way." I answered obviously annoyed by his stupid attempt to woe me. All his friends laughs at him and he begins to rub the back of his head showing signs of anger from the embarrassing encounter.

As I try to leave he grabs my arm. "Nobody disses me. You bitch. You think you're all that huh?" He pushes me back into the kitchen island causing the drink to spill on me. "You jerk. What the hell is wrong with you." "I wonder if Caleb fucked you real good. Tells me he hang with her a couple hours on Monday night." "Are you stupid. I don't know what you're talking about." I defend myself by telling him and everyone around him. "Yea yea. I remember him going on and on about her. Man he just wouldn't shut up." Another friend of his says. 'Way to go Caleb. You and your dumb friends. I personally think he needs to arrange his friend-closet'. "Just leave me the hell alone. Think whatever you want to but I assure you nothing happened." I repeat and this time doing so aggressively.
"Come on. Give me a kiss before you leave. I also heard you are good at that too." Franky taunts blocking my way out of the kitchen. "Move!" "Not until you gimme what I ask for." He says licking his lips. "Move out the way before I hurt you." I threatened hoping he will take me seriously. "You? Hurt me?" He burst into a loud laughter. "She can't but I can." In walks Caleb landing a fist on Franky's jaw. I jumped back in fright as both guys fight on the kitchen floor.
"How dare you touch her!" Caleb shouts pinning Franky to the floor. "She is not yours. She is just one of your fuck toy. Whats the big deal." Hearing him say that just proves all the more reason I need to stay away from Caleb.

I moved around them and leaves to go find Becca. I need to go and I need to do that right now.
I finally find Becca and Eli under the gazebo sharing a kiss. I don't to ruin their happy time so I decided to just Uber home.  I will send her a text later about why I left so early.
My uber comes within 5 minutes and I am now on my way home.

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